I knew it's time to update my blog, because PPL are complaining im not updating, while I complain LIYAN is not updating, Yanting also, Huihui also! UPDATE!
So I shall be a role model *everyone faints upon hearing that*
Actualyl I have ALOT of pictures to post up, I mean it, the chalet pictures and all... I know Qi they all are waiting for the pictures, Im sorry, because Im very busy and tired whenevr I get out of school. It's just ITE life. It's not as easy as it seems, not Adminstration, neither is accounting.
Wetn chalet last saturaday-- It's quite fun. I was actually not planning to go, until I realised no one is going to be at home with me, out of loneliness and depression I went... And ended up being very very frightened by qun yu the screamer.
She was talking about ghost stories, then Wendy came and poke her and she SCREAAMED!
Qi screamed.
Scare the hell outta me!
Mark came, wanying too... Aliot of things la, lata go home update the blog again with pictures, thinking of chaning the skin, but I have no time to make the blog skin. and the layout spends a lot of time, HTNL and graphics, and i diudn't mention, I reformatted the comp again.
I dunnoe wad happened, but it just happened...
Just like Aaron Kwok, dunnoe what happened, but it just happened! c*stares at huihui and carrie and yanting* wahhas.
Speaking of which I love singing dui ni ai ai ai bu wan~ to huihui. Dun you just LOVE the song? yeah?
These days really busy, roleplay drove me crazie! I miss XieZhi >_< I miss Ze... I miss ALL OF YOU. Come gimme a call! I wanna see you girls and guys! Sighsss~
OA now, so now u know why im so so so so de bored.
I want kbox.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006

DORAEMON! Saw in suntec... very big!
Nothing to say.
Got to die under project soon.
WAHHZ~! >.<
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
In school now... Very bored, and now not feeling really well. Listenign to my mp3, and it's OA lessons as usual. I have no idea why am I feeling so moody..... ... ... PMS ba.
Shall update some pics alter when I get home, if im not tired tt is. Currently my face is kinda black, dunnoe if Yanting will kanna scared by me not heeh.
To xuan: Thanks for showing concern about the BRAT and me la, =) Miss ya too. I haven't been talking to ppl online too, juz started to mingle around again cuz basically it's TOO tiring to be in lecture and listen to things i already knew so yeah you know what I mean.
Great Singapore sale, great sale... But no money.
What's the darn point then...
Sometimes I feel so lonely I can cry man.
And yeah, there's no link between the last two sentence. Come, kill me. Wahhas.
Shall update some pics alter when I get home, if im not tired tt is. Currently my face is kinda black, dunnoe if Yanting will kanna scared by me not heeh.
To xuan: Thanks for showing concern about the BRAT and me la, =) Miss ya too. I haven't been talking to ppl online too, juz started to mingle around again cuz basically it's TOO tiring to be in lecture and listen to things i already knew so yeah you know what I mean.
Great Singapore sale, great sale... But no money.
What's the darn point then...
Sometimes I feel so lonely I can cry man.
And yeah, there's no link between the last two sentence. Come, kill me. Wahhas.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Yay I walways wait for Mr Fong's class then I will update my blog, So u will see me updating everytime now, happie? No? I was hoping for a yes, but I know Im crapping right now...
Lata after sch *now is last two hours le* Going to orchard there accompany Carrie to her free makeover... BUT because she's late so I have to wait for her detention of one hour, she's late onh monday's assembly, u get what i mean? ^^;;
So i planned to change first, and go Coffee Bean there have a drink and finish my accounting homework, or buy comics and read first. I know NANA is out today, as well as ouran. Whee... But i think Im going to buy NANA only, or friday then buy Ouran baa...
Yesterday after lunch at Junction 8, we went to take pics... I post it up lata, when I get home so I can edit this post and post the pics up.
But that was the only good thing after that. CUZ...
Now ppl, listen to what Jeslene Lee has to say. If you ever make ur way to Junction 8's foodcourt,
It's not nice in the first place, then I think something's wrong... My whole stomach was bloated. I din even drink anything u know. And i bloated? Then i forced myself to vomit it out, putting a finger into my mouth and digging it.
you get my point yeah?
After vomitting it out, i feel loike Im all right, and I am. A lil feeling bad cuz I missed 30mins of Biz Fund. So i apologized to Miss Tay after everything is over.
This coming Friday is a holiday for me! GFor ITE students! It's the poll day holidae, ya, i know it's like, so long ago, but that meant a long weekend.
*Jes shoot bullets at the wanton mee carterer*
Oh btw thatw as because talkign about bullets now, as in, MSWords that bullet okay.
*jes runs off*
Lata after sch *now is last two hours le* Going to orchard there accompany Carrie to her free makeover... BUT because she's late so I have to wait for her detention of one hour, she's late onh monday's assembly, u get what i mean? ^^;;
So i planned to change first, and go Coffee Bean there have a drink and finish my accounting homework, or buy comics and read first. I know NANA is out today, as well as ouran. Whee... But i think Im going to buy NANA only, or friday then buy Ouran baa...
Yesterday after lunch at Junction 8, we went to take pics... I post it up lata, when I get home so I can edit this post and post the pics up.
But that was the only good thing after that. CUZ...
Now ppl, listen to what Jeslene Lee has to say. If you ever make ur way to Junction 8's foodcourt,
It's not nice in the first place, then I think something's wrong... My whole stomach was bloated. I din even drink anything u know. And i bloated? Then i forced myself to vomit it out, putting a finger into my mouth and digging it.
you get my point yeah?
After vomitting it out, i feel loike Im all right, and I am. A lil feeling bad cuz I missed 30mins of Biz Fund. So i apologized to Miss Tay after everything is over.
This coming Friday is a holiday for me! GFor ITE students! It's the poll day holidae, ya, i know it's like, so long ago, but that meant a long weekend.
*Jes shoot bullets at the wanton mee carterer*
Oh btw thatw as because talkign about bullets now, as in, MSWords that bullet okay.
*jes runs off*
Monday, May 15, 2006
Dreading monday.
Rerally dreadful monday. First two hours happens to be OA, Office Application, and it's boring, seriously boring. Mr fong is still talking in front. So I decided, everytime Iw anna bklog, I will wait for OF lessons to blog. At least that meant I have got something to do. It's so much comforting you know.
Vesek Day
Went out with my family to parkway parade. Was quite an okay trip, my father was being a joker at all times, make the waiter in Jack place laugh also. Cuz he was acting like a ah beng *who haven't been to resturants* eating steak. He keep saying put all put all, where my food... hahah...
Was waiting for my mom to come out of giant when I saw a golden retriver in the shopping center, acting as the lead for a blind man. Interesting... =) It's darn cute, the dog. ^^ Bought Pet Milk for Bingo, and some snacks. I din know dog food is so facinating okay, got salmon, got sashimi!!!
I went home with a new bag, new shoes and some li li lor lor barang barang haha...
I was really really very very bored. Cuz it was raining when i was preparing to go out, alone tt is. I was so restless. So i waited for the rain to stop, and went to cottage pies to ka jiao yan and jane
And i sat down...
*Yan looks shocked*
She kept going on and on about wa ledger nia, so easy, debit credit hahahahah! Crazie woman. So iw as doing my work, Shirlyn was there, then Susan came also haha... So free. Seng and his friend came afterwards, still so gila. So I sat down quietly to do my homeowrk and finished it 10mins lata.
All of the sudden they were busy so I helpped.
Then Yan was still shocked tt Im actually revising.
Anything else to say?!
In the morning a lorry fall sideways, as in, crashed sideways onto the pavement, dunnoe how the drive drive de, in front of my flat there. Siao siao wor.
Was very busy at CP that day, alot of things to do. Then everyone like so happie, then dear jane... She carried Potato chicken pie to ws...
But on the way.
She said she was so stunned, that an indian familiy was like "ARE YOU OKAY!?! take a deep breath!!! "
My 8 potato pies are smashed to nothing. Sad. To think I made them so tasty. *cries*
Her butt hurts too.
Started raining then... but surprisingly still got quite alot of ppl. Then kor came, with kai qi they all, play deck. Kor is addicted to latte, cuz of Aria I guess.
I stepped a kaka with my slippers, and it sticked there, eeks all right!
When i got home, Amie.... say she broke up with Mok, i was shocked, yet happie at the same time. Mok is a stupid person. Hmph.
Speaking of relationships, that darn Ze is still fly ing around haha. But not to singapore. That day fight with him also like that, ended up he sang to me again. So lame right. Wad's so bad is that I actually gave in to him. Crucial timing now, if we continue fighting, we're not going to last 2 years down the road.
Mr fong, mr fong, teaching us how to copy and paste. So cute right?
Rerally dreadful monday. First two hours happens to be OA, Office Application, and it's boring, seriously boring. Mr fong is still talking in front. So I decided, everytime Iw anna bklog, I will wait for OF lessons to blog. At least that meant I have got something to do. It's so much comforting you know.
Vesek Day
Went out with my family to parkway parade. Was quite an okay trip, my father was being a joker at all times, make the waiter in Jack place laugh also. Cuz he was acting like a ah beng *who haven't been to resturants* eating steak. He keep saying put all put all, where my food... hahah...
Was waiting for my mom to come out of giant when I saw a golden retriver in the shopping center, acting as the lead for a blind man. Interesting... =) It's darn cute, the dog. ^^ Bought Pet Milk for Bingo, and some snacks. I din know dog food is so facinating okay, got salmon, got sashimi!!!
I went home with a new bag, new shoes and some li li lor lor barang barang haha...
I was really really very very bored. Cuz it was raining when i was preparing to go out, alone tt is. I was so restless. So i waited for the rain to stop, and went to cottage pies to ka jiao yan and jane
And i sat down...
*Yan looks shocked*
She kept going on and on about wa ledger nia, so easy, debit credit hahahahah! Crazie woman. So iw as doing my work, Shirlyn was there, then Susan came also haha... So free. Seng and his friend came afterwards, still so gila. So I sat down quietly to do my homeowrk and finished it 10mins lata.
All of the sudden they were busy so I helpped.
Then Yan was still shocked tt Im actually revising.
Anything else to say?!
In the morning a lorry fall sideways, as in, crashed sideways onto the pavement, dunnoe how the drive drive de, in front of my flat there. Siao siao wor.
Was very busy at CP that day, alot of things to do. Then everyone like so happie, then dear jane... She carried Potato chicken pie to ws...
But on the way.
She said she was so stunned, that an indian familiy was like "ARE YOU OKAY!?! take a deep breath!!! "
My 8 potato pies are smashed to nothing. Sad. To think I made them so tasty. *cries*
Her butt hurts too.
Started raining then... but surprisingly still got quite alot of ppl. Then kor came, with kai qi they all, play deck. Kor is addicted to latte, cuz of Aria I guess.
I stepped a kaka with my slippers, and it sticked there, eeks all right!
When i got home, Amie.... say she broke up with Mok, i was shocked, yet happie at the same time. Mok is a stupid person. Hmph.
Speaking of relationships, that darn Ze is still fly ing around haha. But not to singapore. That day fight with him also like that, ended up he sang to me again. So lame right. Wad's so bad is that I actually gave in to him. Crucial timing now, if we continue fighting, we're not going to last 2 years down the road.
Mr fong, mr fong, teaching us how to copy and paste. So cute right?
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Currently Mr Fong (the tall, handsome, charming 50 year old man ~.~) Is taking his own sweet time talking about Microsoft words. Well~ Basically, I know everything, like a lil no use. I was hoping this 2 hour period would be like, Miss tay's BIZF, or Accounting. At least accounting is more interesting you know.
Later to yan's house for her bdae "party" I bought a wonderful gift for her, sahred by KaiLin, Ching and I. Huihui they all saw it, I guess it's rather cute. Buuuut~ Well, Yan HAS to take it, because if she dun, she's objecting to her own wish. She was the one who told me she wanted that particular thing.
Coffee, tea, or me? *everyone pukes*
Before I crap alot, "the lecture now is darn BORING okay. SERIOUS."
She's a great friend *shye makes me angry at times*
She's cute *and very blur too*
She's mature. *and very colourful (se lang)*
She's pretty. *and die die dun wanna admit*
She's my lao gong! *no doubt*
...But she has 7 lao pos *one for each day. Im the Sunday lao gong, sad hor*
So lame.
Okay. I told you iw as bored.
Yesterday had a small fight with him, it's juz a continuation of two days ago. But im all right. Man, wad's with crucial periods.
Wadever. Im supposed to be ahppie today.
Running off~ BYE.
*listens to Mr fong, but failed miserably.*
Currently Mr Fong (the tall, handsome, charming 50 year old man ~.~) Is taking his own sweet time talking about Microsoft words. Well~ Basically, I know everything, like a lil no use. I was hoping this 2 hour period would be like, Miss tay's BIZF, or Accounting. At least accounting is more interesting you know.
Later to yan's house for her bdae "party" I bought a wonderful gift for her, sahred by KaiLin, Ching and I. Huihui they all saw it, I guess it's rather cute. Buuuut~ Well, Yan HAS to take it, because if she dun, she's objecting to her own wish. She was the one who told me she wanted that particular thing.
Coffee, tea, or me? *everyone pukes*
Before I crap alot, "the lecture now is darn BORING okay. SERIOUS."
She's a great friend *shye makes me angry at times*
She's cute *and very blur too*
She's mature. *and very colourful (se lang)*
She's pretty. *and die die dun wanna admit*
She's my lao gong! *no doubt*
...But she has 7 lao pos *one for each day. Im the Sunday lao gong, sad hor*
So lame.
Okay. I told you iw as bored.
Yesterday had a small fight with him, it's juz a continuation of two days ago. But im all right. Man, wad's with crucial periods.
Wadever. Im supposed to be ahppie today.
Running off~ BYE.
*listens to Mr fong, but failed miserably.*
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Make it short. First day of school....
Met a few friends in the morning, Hooi hooi *pronouce as huihui* and Xin Yan... They juz came over and sat with me in the canteen as i was alone... Hmm, nice ppl =) But we're different courses, they're accounting, whereas im in Biz Admin. So we went seperated ways during assembly. Xchanged number tho...
Assembly was kinda bored, sppeches as usual, and a few performances. A few singing performances, but my mind drifted off... So I guess.. The guy sitting beside me was cursing, while listening to his mp3. Blasting the ear phones sia. Then all of a sudden became very polite asking me for the time haha.
ISP = My class. Those ice breaking la, all those cheers la. All those cheers LiYan threw me all came back man. All the "ISP oi, ISP oi, ISP ISP sak sak oi" la, sexy clap la, macho clap la, and he 55 Bishan cheers. ~.~ I wanna run home, but in the end?!!!! say 215 end, but ended up 3pm then end. Knew a few more new friends, Hui Hui, Carrie and YanTing. Liana's the same class as me! Ain is in ISO >_<
After sch went to yen's house there, eat lo. Then go home, cuz Im not feeling very well. Stand up also will leg shake =.=
I skipped sch today, before anyone scolds me, i wasn't feeling well, and my mom agreed okay? I MC-ed sch without a MC, ok?
Make it short. First day of school....
Met a few friends in the morning, Hooi hooi *pronouce as huihui* and Xin Yan... They juz came over and sat with me in the canteen as i was alone... Hmm, nice ppl =) But we're different courses, they're accounting, whereas im in Biz Admin. So we went seperated ways during assembly. Xchanged number tho...
Assembly was kinda bored, sppeches as usual, and a few performances. A few singing performances, but my mind drifted off... So I guess.. The guy sitting beside me was cursing, while listening to his mp3. Blasting the ear phones sia. Then all of a sudden became very polite asking me for the time haha.
ISP = My class. Those ice breaking la, all those cheers la. All those cheers LiYan threw me all came back man. All the "ISP oi, ISP oi, ISP ISP sak sak oi" la, sexy clap la, macho clap la, and he 55 Bishan cheers. ~.~ I wanna run home, but in the end?!!!! say 215 end, but ended up 3pm then end. Knew a few more new friends, Hui Hui, Carrie and YanTing. Liana's the same class as me! Ain is in ISO >_<
After sch went to yen's house there, eat lo. Then go home, cuz Im not feeling very well. Stand up also will leg shake =.=
I skipped sch today, before anyone scolds me, i wasn't feeling well, and my mom agreed okay? I MC-ed sch without a MC, ok?
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