Thursday, August 30, 2007

Went to hark to collect photos yesterday.
Saw the videos and I cannot stop laughing.
Esp at this particular one:
Topic of the video was: Who do you think will win?
Carissa & Jes: TAT SIN~
Carissa: He still huh leh.
Eugene: Tat Sin! You're my number one!
This video brightened my midnight, with this headache of mine and stupid presentation.
Still think its funny.
Ah well.

Carissa, Aaron, Eugene, Daisy and I would be in the same session for the finalists' mini concert on the 28th sept.
Tat sin, Sophia, Jun Xuan and Amy would be on the 21st sept.
People who still misses them (or well, us.) take note of the dates =)
Btw tt video was just a part of our frenzy. NIA.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I didn't know I can get this packed with arranged dates (pr rather, confirmed events).
At least it sounds packed to me:
Sept 10: Marketing Exam
Sept 12: Office ADM Exam
Sept 26, 27, 28: Chalet @ Aranda
Sept 27: Daddy's Birthday
Sept 28: Concert Performance
Sept 29: Birthday
Its enough confirmed dates for a month.
Especially when I tend to have alot of last mins.
I seriously wonder what's wrong with my body.
Stress ah?
One month twice to Jeslene is torturous can.
Okay crap entry.
Meeting the BOO and Aaron for lunch tomorrow!
Monday, August 27, 2007

To my darling friends: Thank you for all the love showered when I was totally deprived of it since yesterday.
Thank you all for the calls of concern.
Thank you all for the lunch and kopi dates so that you can see me in one whole fat porky safe piece.
Thanks for dedicating a line on your entry to me.
Thanks for the Tigger, Tong & ZX & Carrie. I named it Caramel =) And I promise I will love him.
I had a great night today.
Even bruised my left middle finger while playing the basket shooing game.
But I laughed. I really did.
Love you guys load!
These are the times I can fully rely on you all to spread a smile on my face.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
But you know what?
Tonight is one of the best night I had in my entire life.
Firstly, apologies to my friends who couldn't come in to enjoy the show!
I know it was very last min and I was pretty ber-che too.
I want you all to know, even if I didn't get any awards, you guys made my day bright!
Thanks!: Joel, Yan, Leaking, Mum, Big Aunt, Hui, Tong, Zi Xuan, Carrie (You all bluff me say she nv come. Sia lah.), Uncle, Auntie (Yan's parents!), Zheng Ling, Charlane, Dierdre, Hiyu Jie and Hunz! And also those who have been with me for the last few rounds, Leaking's bf, Kailin!
All loves from Jeslene!!
You guys in the front sure didn't know what chaos happened backstage.
We were totally in the "Aiya, grand finals liao. HUAT AH" mode.
Totally crazy!
But it was super fun!
Everyone was super sweet!
I'm just so so so so so glad that I've met these people thru the best way ever - Singing.
Particularly, Carissa, Xue Wei and Aaron!
These people are the craziest batch ever!
When I was hugging Carissa, she suddenly lifted me up and carried me!
Aaron insisted that I hold his hand so I don't fall on the floor, without my specs!
Xue Wei was there all along to support!
I really love you guys.
Carissa and I were going all emotioal on each other.
Now I really wished to hug aaron and her to cry.
My msn pm: I wanna have a threesome with the ppl in my pic!
Which is this pic lah.

Carissa was taking this picture!
We all sat down cuz we were tired of standing up.

Then aaron changed positions with Carissa, so now carissa is there and aaron isn't lols!
There are more pictures but all are with Yvonne.
It was really hot backstage, literally and not.
It was darn warm that we were sweating non-stop.
Then we were screaming and cheerin and dancing so wildly, so hot! LOL!
Today is quite a day.
I'm missing everyone now!
Jeslene is really grateful for all in this competition!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Cuz I didn't do their tags.
So I shall save myself (ooh where's my superhero~)
List out your top 5 birthday presents that you wish for:
Number 1; Grad from ITE
Number 2: My darling friends and family to be happy with life
Number 3; My career to continue soaring
Number 4; WORLD PEACE~ (This is the fat treetrunks beauty queen contest, lets welcome Jeslene lee~)
Number 5; To stay onshore
Answer the following questions :
1. The person who tag you is?
- Huii and Tong
2. Your relationship with him/her is?
- Lesbian partner and darx darx
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
- Hui: Crazy, slutty, talkative, SPENDER, adorable
Tong: Siao, bitchy, stalker, lovable, expert in sex XD
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
- Huii & Tong: .................Erh.... everything is memorable.
5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you?
- Huii: she said YAY when I said I'm nervous for my finals
Tong: She said she is ready to fark me up down left right anytime anywhere.
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
- Fark them up down left right, vertical, horizontal.
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?
- Listen to the naggy vixen. Cannot run hoors.
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
- I will rape tong's eeyores and throw hui's T10 into sugei api api.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
- They think im not sexy. XD
10.The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is?
- Make them eat sinful food and I shall sit there and watch happily as I eat only 1/10 of wad they are having
11.Your overall impression of him/her is?
- Like tt lo. LOL! Okays lah, me love them loooadssxxx
12.How you think people around you will feel about you?
- knnbccb Jeslene lee.
13.The character you love of yourself are?
- erh. no idea, I always have a listening ear...?
14.On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are?
- Stubborn and fake
15.The most ideal person you want to be is?
- myself still, a more improved ver tho.
16.Pass this quiz to 10 persons.
1. Hiyu Jie
2. Alda
3. Peiyun
4. Fiza
5.Carrie (I know u have a blog baby)
6. Amie
7. teck keng
8. Eri
17. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
18.Is no.9 a male or female?
- Female laah!
19.If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
- .......I will be like, wtf?
20.How about no.8 and 5?
- ...confirm cannot.
21.What is no.2 studying about?
- She's in university in Aussie!
22.When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
- Juz now, on msn!
23.What kind of music band does no.8 like?
- eh, jap? and DBSK
24.Does no.1 has any siblings?
- Yups, younger bro.
25.Will you woo no.3?
- if i have the necessity of a man I will lah.
26.How about no.7?
- =.=
27.Is no.4 single?
- I erh... forgot sia.
28.What’s the surname of no.5?
- TAN!
29.What’s the hobby of no.4?
- she ah. LOL. I dunnoe sia.LOL!
30.Do no.5 and 9 get along well?
- They dunno each other~
31.Where is no.2 studying at?
- Aussie Uni, which i forgot the name.
32.Talk something casually about no.1?
- she's my darling hiyu jie =)
33.Have you try developing feelings for no.8?
- Im straight, Full stop.
34.Where does no.9 live at?
- Pasir Ris!
35.What color does no.4 like?
- this i dunnoe. Wa, sorry leh fiza!
36.Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
- nope.
37.Does no.7 likes no.2?
- They don't even know each other exists
38.How do you get to know no.2?
- Online, thru fanfiction writing. =)
39.Does no.1 have any pets?
- Her octopusus.
40.Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Rehearshal is quite all right...
Finally managed to get Daisy and Aaron's number.
On for K-boxing!
Aaron kept tempting me with chicken rice and k-lunch.
The four of us (daisy, carissa, aaron and I) had a good chat.
Turned out that we are all animal lovers =)
All good voices in the finals.
Woo hoo!
Currently, having low blood pressure and a terible headache.
School starts early tomorrow, so I think i should end here.
More on friday I guess.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Headed to Heartland mall and man, it was crowded!
Ate at kobayashi and spammed ourselves with project.
I reckon my stomach is something wrong.
I cannot stop eating. =\
Project went on for quite some time...
Then Tong and I sent maryanne to the train station.
And we splurged.
Original Sanrio Hello Kitty wallet.
Its very bulky and it looks like a pouch or clutchbag.
But its so... pink!
Cannot resist.

Headed home on bus 81 with darx darx.
Went crazy with camwhoring.
There's one picture she took of me, and it was terrible.
Cuz my eyes were red and upturned.
Jeslene: Must take with angles ah, you think you picasso?!
Yanting: Huh you know picasso meh! The guy in channel 8 is called Picasso!
Jeslene: No, i dunno about the channel 8, but do you know which Picasso i'm referring to?
Yanting: The one whose nose grow long long?
Jeslene: ... That's Pinocchio. (Proceeds to laugh) Picasso is the artist loh!
Yanting: Ohhh! No wonder so familiar.
Jeslene: Do you know how that Pinocchio story end?
Yanting: I know his nose turn short again. But I dunno why. Why ah?
Jeslene: I tell you, how did Pinocchio's story ended... You know his nose was long what, so it became the bamboo we use to hang our clothes to dry.

The end!
I'm sorta tired...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I wonder why am I so tired yesterday.
So today, I got my answer.
Peiyun, me and my mummy got it all together today.
Super dorts.
School made me sleepy.
I brought a whole big bag of unwanted clothes to school so that I can pass to my Ms Serena later on.
The Lipton Tea paperbag was so huge, people on the train thought I was a bomber terrorist trying to act like an innocent ite student. (well, they stared!)
Tong and I had dinner with Hui, Cally and Siew Choo @ Curry rice.
I bought a hello kitty sling pouch for the price of SGD6.90.
cheap, cheap.
Headed home after that.
Felt super lazy.
But anyway, Wednesday my bitch, slut and I went to town for wanton mee.
And some small shopping.
I had fun, and wow, I managed to not buy anything on credit by Tong!
Must be coz the nagging voice at the back of my mind since I just spent 24bucks online.
But tong bought a cardigan which I like too.
But I skipped that. Muahahaha.
Camwhoring is guiltless.

Oh, I am all hearts for Utt.
He is so cute!
Flower Eat.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Didn't even bother to compile the pictures together into one to save the space on blogger.
I'm just lazy lahs.
Jacobs Landmark Exhibits:

Singapore's humble lil 'Durian Shells' - The esplanade. Not the towers, the one beside the towers lol.

All made up of biscuits!
Couldn't resist eating the pack of biscuit I bought home.
Now I have ulcers by the side of my tongue.

Picture by my daughter, Peiyun.
Heng I hid before she could take an ugly picture of me.

Chip munk paperclip VS lil bug.
These are displayed outside of my house hahaha.
Nothing to say.
Perhaps tomolo.
This is just for pics posting.
Monday, August 13, 2007
*Jes screams*
I LOVE LOVE LOVE! This bag! True vivienne style can!
Kill me. Tell me, how am I supposed to resist this?
End of story.
I cannot afford Vivienne, not yet at least.
I deleted my previous entry, cuz I think I'm crazy.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
History Repeats...
Things that you need/do when you fall sick for the second time in the month.
1) Be as careful as my mum is, do not allow your sick daughter to sneeze all the way in the house. Give her a pack of 100sheets of tissue, and make her drink at least 5 bottles of water per day. Do not forget to test her temperature every 5 mins.
And today, after a period of 4 months...
History repeats itself.

Cannot stop sneezing...
Fever running up...
Throat hurts like hell...
But I did what I should lah.
I slept, ate medicine, drank loads of water.
I wanna go out, but this kinda condition... Better stay home.
But am heading out for a movie with Hiyu Jie tomorrow!
Then shall head to somewhere to walk walk. =)
Meanwhile, just let me cough.

First things first: I'm in for the Grand Finals.
But then again, I think I'm not worth the victory.
My voice sucked and my diaphragm failed me.
Now we all know how much Jeslene Lee hates sore throat.
It juz came out from nowhere.
Can I blame the curry puff?
On a lighter note, Su Kit, Xue Wei, Carrisa and I were totally crazy backstage.
We were upstairs in the students' classrooms.
Xue Wei played the keyboard and we were like, singing and singing together.
Its super fun lah!
Wu Yue Tian is like, our favourite song now? LOL
We sang and harmonised and it's just so fun!
We tried rapping the wu yue tian part and we died doing it.
A video of us singing Wu Yue Tian backstage is taken.
I wonder will it be up on the blog muahaha.
Greatest part of the competition: Friends.
Friends who came and support me, thanks a whole bunch!
And also, the friends I knew in the competition.
Pictures are all not with me.
Plus the fact I am ugly to the max.
So dun have to post it up lahs.
Right, So I'm staying home today to rest my throat.
I woke up this morning with a very bad throat too.
Am going to drown myself with lemon honey and pi pa gao.

Take care ppl!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
My family and I headed to Jack's Place @ Century Square for lunch.
I woke up this morning with my usual daze.
My dad was telling my mum "see your daughter is sleep walking!" when I woke up earlier for the washroom.
Lunch was quite all right.
I told my family, I do not want to be the one doing the ordering!
One order, 5bucks!
Then my mum said: OKAY! You think Lao Niang have no money is it!
She took out her wallet and asked me if I have change for 50bucks.
Then she say, money is daddy's anyway, she don't care.
Ended up doing the ordering anyway.
Their service is great.
Total bill is 61bucks!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
So today is National Day Eve, which makes school half-day.
But no difference to me, since we always end at 12pm on wed.
Morning performances wasn't really entertaining.
Other than Syaza and Masdian's singing and the really weird rock version of the National Anthem...
I was pretty much bored.
Then food set in. LOL.
Carrie, Tong and I shared two boxes of Beehoon, sweets and cookies.
A teacher who I don't reconise gave us chocs. =)
Super nice chocs, sweet and with cereals in it.
Tong and I went a lil gaga with cam whoring, then we almost fell asleep waiting for the gates to open.
After school, Feeza Maryanne joined the three of us to Plaza Singapura for PIZZA HUT~
Loads of people lining up.
Tong, carrie went gaga over a cute chef nearby.
He has a super nice smile, and a pair of smiling eyes.
Hmmm he looks like Li Wei Lian from Green forest, my home.
But he's really nice and all lah.
Bought CHA SOBA and SAUCE from DAISO~
4bucks nia.
The next time I have cravings for Cha Soba, its gonna be Daiso for me.
Had Cheese fondue bites at Pizza Hut again.
They were so busy, the service kinda... sucked?
But all right lah. It wasn't that sucky, just that they are busy and didn't have time to attend to us.
Feeza left for home and the rest of us took a walk around orchard road.
Tong finally got her pay.
And I brought in a new member to my plushies.
Its a furry lil Winnie the Pooh, which I named it Riyuu. (Re-You)
I just think Jap names are more to my style heeh!
Trains are soooooo sardinedI almsot died.
Now after being swept by countless ponytails, tong hates them.

I'm like, eating nonstop lah.
Having family gathering tomorrow at Jack's Place.
Which means another festing session.
I missed paul today. LOL.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Creating Vero-Chan

I'm bored.
So I made vero-chan.
Why called vero?
I just remembered Kareshi Kanojo and Pero Pero.
So it became Vero.
I think I might edit this post with more photoshopping things later if I do anything.

Shitto-kun was a character I created out of powerpoint basic shapes last year.
This is the improved photoshop version of it.
Since I created it earlier than Vero-chan, Shitto is the senior.
So this is Vero meets Senior Shitto.
........Can see I'm really bored.
Friday, August 03, 2007
So, I didn't appear in school today.
Anyone actually misses me? (Waits for someone to raise their hands)
Okay fine, not even a mosquito.
Speaking of Mozzies, I'm sure people who bothered to read my blog knew the reason I didn't go to school today.
Because my brother is back from NS camp cuz he might have dengue fever.
So yeahs.
I woke up 550am and went to meet Tong at the station an hour later.
Missy Sluttified was totally in blur mode. She came out of the station gates instead of waiting for me inside.
Wasted 50cents.
She showed off her cough, very clean hot springs bao plushie.
Ooh, I realised I'm the heroine cuz I saved it from Peiyun and Carrie's hands.
Accompanied my brother to the hospital just now.
Cabbed there, cabbed back to TM.
Bought a manga.
And Shinjo Mayu has a book call Sensual Paradise ah?
I only see it in English lehs. Where's the chinese version!
*Jes stares at hiyu jie for guide*
I drank soup for lunch, cooked for brother as well.
Then I ate half of the roll of oreo cookies. (Pig.)
THEN I FELL ASLEEP. (Oreo cookies packet bundled up and by my side)
Porky piece of Jeslene.
Yes Yes, I changed the blog banner.
Finally decided to start up photoshop and actually use a blank new layer.
Inspiration poured into my brains when I was surfing around in deviant art.
La la la!
The theme is still the same: "You only need a reason to fantasize."
Just that I didn't put it on the graphic.
I didn't want to put any words at all, but well.
Stealers LIVES. No matter how much I hate them.

My brother looked like that crazy gunman from that terrible case recently.
I know I look darn crappish.
And ooh, my very young and handsome father when he was like, 24?

So I drew hair extensions on myself using photoshop.
It doesn't look too bad lah, hors?
So does that mean I can pass with curls?
Let fake extensions be fake extensions.

STOCK CREDITS: elisafox & larafairie from deviant art.
Yeahs, these are the original pictures i used for the banner.
Used the sky as bg, and manipulated the wings onto the woman.
Not too bad ehs?
Guess my photoshop skills are still intact.
I wonder what am I doing tomorrow.
I crave for victor's.
Ah well.
Take cares everyone!
Please don't get dengue. (CHOY!)
I...just...finished...the...presentation for Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
And im still energetic.
Kor came back from camp.
He is having high fever as well as the risk of Dengue fever.
So to let my parents go to work less worried...
I am skipping school today to take care of him in case anything happens.
But I will be meeting my darx darx tong at 650am to pass her project things.
Having some emotional troubles these days.
But it's not severe, so I chose to let them simmer.
And well, they sorta did lah.
So, people who are emo-ing, please CHEERIOS!