So I was complaining in my twitter regarding a bad breeder experience.
It all started with me contacting this breeder cause I was looking for a bunny companion. I have always wanted a bunny ever since fluffy died (a white local bred bunny) and bingo my dog left us :(
And after some time I finally convinced my parents to let me have one.
I went to view this lop ear, 8mths old boy. And fell in love cause it was showing me affection. And so I made arrangement with the breeder to bring the boy home on Wednesday, next week (which was yesterday) cause I needed time to search for a perfect house and accessories for the new friend.
And when Wednesday finally came , problems started to arise.
First the breeder told me: some thing cropped up, let's meet tomorrow instead. I told him I can't, cause bf wouldn't be on his off day and I can't just go alone late, like 9pm?
And so he said ok, I'll just ask someone to pass to you as per original plan. I said ok. This means something cropped up with him, not the rabbit.
7pm, I reached boon lay with leaking and Raymond. He message me saying he cannot make it again. I decided to ask bf to talk to him, cause you know, man to man? Lol.
And out of nowhere he said the rabbit is at the vet and sick. We called multiple times but we were ignored.
When he finally picked up, he told us the rabbit died. We were shocked and asked to see the carcass, even if it meant going to the vet location.
He told us it's his private vet and he just continued with more excuses.
Bf then hung up, frustrated.
I was super upset!
U spent so much money to make a perfect home for a rabbit you wanted so much, but end up getting told he's dead?
I whatsapp this lady who contacted me some time back regarding bunnies. And she agreed for us to view her bunnies.
Thanks to her, and her friendly husband, we now got this little one, 5weeks old lop. But ears still pointy lOl.
This little one is mischievous!
But adapted to it's new home nicely.
Now I'll try to house break it :)
Feeling thankful towards the couple for this little one. They made time for us to view the bunnies, when they are preparing to head towards the airport for a holiday towards Korea!
Right now, it's just more getting used to the little one and vice versa!
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Birthday 2011
Ah well.
I didn't have motivation to blog lol.
But since I have some time now, I shall lol.
If not, the only person who reads my blog, who is working in a certain travel agency will be thinking why aint she updated with my life =P
Short entry with my birthday celebrations this year!
It was nothing much, lol.
It was more of a friends gathering, with loads of warmth and love.
On my birthday itself, I was working anyway.
BF was unable to take leave for that day, thus I decided I might as well go and get chasing my datelines.
My lovely colleagues and boss gave me a sweet surprise while I was doing my reception duties.
Jessie my boss bought me a bouquet so big I got aching arms hahah.

My dearest Tong came to accompany me after work and after a shopping spree, we went home to where I sang the birthday song with my family + pizza for dinner slurps.

Since tong and my birthday is 1 week apart, the ITE ladies always make the effort to gather on one day where we can sit and update each other with life.
I'm missing them already. :(

Angry birds cake! They taste surprisingly nice =D
And on Friday, 30th September 2011, we made a trip to Sentosa!
I found this promotion package thing online:
Underwaterworld + Butterfly Insect Kingdom + Sentosa Rider pickup = $35
Since UWW entrance fee already costs like $26? Why not take this instead? =D
And off we went!
There were honestly, more photos, but they are all stuck in Tong's DSLR, which till date I have not seen any lol

I had fun, really =D
Dinner was at Sushi Tei, which I was deeply satisfied with the food I had.
Shiawase desuuuuu!
That pretty much sums up my celebrations =D
It was nothing much actually, compared to last year where I booked a chalet to celebrate.
I probably spent all the chalet money on the food and all I had for my birthday haha.
Nevertheless, I am grateful for the love and blessings =)
I'm glad to have a loving family who listens to my woes and happiness.
I'm glad to have a bunch of friends whom I don't meet often, but always make an effort to care for me.
I'm glad to have a bestie Yan who remembered me for always, and sent me a birthday parcel and a card which made me tear, and gave me strength to move on.
I'm glad to have a wonderful boyfriend, Sky, who led me through my darkest canal (cause it was like dark and wet cause I cried all the time? lol). and the one who dreamt that I gave birth to a baby girl. LOL.
if you are reading this,
I really got over the matter already.
You girls are still my friends no matter what.
However awkward we may be now, I just want to let you know I still remember you.
I dreamt of you girls last night haha.
In all, I'm just really happy with all I have now.
Contented, and nothing better.

Bye for now, people =) I hope your life will be like mine: Contented and blessed =)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
iPhone apps!
Ever I've gotten an iPhone 4, cam whoring went up a whole new level lol.
I basically use diff apps to enhance and play puri deco my photos.
Front cam rocks!
I basically use diff apps to enhance and play puri deco my photos.
Front cam rocks!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Eyelash extensions are fab!
It's September this month!
And that meant my birthday is around the corner and due to circumstances I decided against the usual chalet which I used to book for my birthday celebrations.
So with the money I've saved, I decided dolling myself up would be best.
And the thought of eyelash extensions came into my mind.
Yes I'm wearing glasses most of the time - except when I'm swimming or sleeping that is.
I read this article online saying extensions will make ur eyes pop beneath those hateful eye minimizing glasses lol. So yea vain as I am I went to try it.
I became acquaintances with the owner of Milly's through her EXU clothes buffet and twitter. (she's really nice & pretty <3) So when it comes to doing extensions, my brain immediately thought of her, and her chain of beauty palour ( hair extensions, nails and lashes woohoo)
So when sweetest Milly made an appointment for me, I was set to go lalalala!
The process was ok, if only I could stop myself from squinting lol. I couldn't help it, it was my instinct to do so!
45 mins later, I opened my eyes to see a set of fluttery lashes, and I loooooove it.

It felt a bit weird for the first 2 days. I found washing face a hassle lol but after I got used to it, going around makeupless is effortless.

Once my dad even asked me where I'm going when I was sitting in front of the kitchen table and eating my dinner - in my japalang pj before sleep lol.
It's been nearly 2 weeks now, and it's still pretty. I guess I'm addicted uh oh.

And does it really make my eyes pop beneath my glasses? It dooooooes. So no worries should you be like me, a glasses person!
Milly's has two branches, one at far east plaza, the other at bugis street. I did mine at BS!
My friends are pondering to do the extensions now lol. Cause mine are so pretty! When I shop around in BS, my shop sales girls friends will be like I wanna do!
Now I regret not buying the 2nd time for a cheaper price zzz!
Before I sign off, just wanna make a disclaimer:
Milly's doesn't sponsor me in anyway. I paid for the service and I'm impressed with the outcomes-thus the sincere review. And also, not because I knew Milly herself. Sharing is caring after all, right? :)
And that meant my birthday is around the corner and due to circumstances I decided against the usual chalet which I used to book for my birthday celebrations.
So with the money I've saved, I decided dolling myself up would be best.
And the thought of eyelash extensions came into my mind.
Yes I'm wearing glasses most of the time - except when I'm swimming or sleeping that is.
I read this article online saying extensions will make ur eyes pop beneath those hateful eye minimizing glasses lol. So yea vain as I am I went to try it.
I became acquaintances with the owner of Milly's through her EXU clothes buffet and twitter. (she's really nice & pretty <3) So when it comes to doing extensions, my brain immediately thought of her, and her chain of beauty palour ( hair extensions, nails and lashes woohoo)
So when sweetest Milly made an appointment for me, I was set to go lalalala!
The process was ok, if only I could stop myself from squinting lol. I couldn't help it, it was my instinct to do so!
45 mins later, I opened my eyes to see a set of fluttery lashes, and I loooooove it.

It's been nearly 2 weeks now, and it's still pretty. I guess I'm addicted uh oh.

Milly's has two branches, one at far east plaza, the other at bugis street. I did mine at BS!
My friends are pondering to do the extensions now lol. Cause mine are so pretty! When I shop around in BS, my shop sales girls friends will be like I wanna do!
Now I regret not buying the 2nd time for a cheaper price zzz!
Before I sign off, just wanna make a disclaimer:
Milly's doesn't sponsor me in anyway. I paid for the service and I'm impressed with the outcomes-thus the sincere review. And also, not because I knew Milly herself. Sharing is caring after all, right? :)
Monday, August 15, 2011
A little something.

Oh hai.
I'm waiting for my colleagues for lunch, so here I am, deciding that writing an entry would mark words down.
The picture explains it.
Okay, well everyone knows I have a BF.
He is very ahbengcoughcough.
He is an orang utan lol.
He speaks vulgarities.
He loves fishes more than he loves me.
Okay well, those are basic facts of him.
Advanced facts are like:
He is very pang-tang - Ring cannot take off at all times lol.
He is actually someone who gives in really easily.
He's really soft hearted, with a soft spot for dogs.
Honestly, I think i've repeated myself numerous times - he and I are total opposites.
In terms of handling issues - He is quick in decisions, I am very reluctant in deciding.
In terms of arguments - He choose to let things die down, I choose to finish it up asap.
He thinks I'm naggy.
I think he's too harsh in everything.
We fight ALL the time. And by that, I mean like at least once a month.
Trust me, more than enough.
But at the end of it all, it still hits me.
I love him like I've never did.
Our arguments are frightening, we spike ourselves and fire at each other.
But somehow, the fights will conclude in bittersweetness.
Actually everyone knows this lah.
And this is an entry to mark his words down.
The day he commented that Lin Zhi Jie is suave on the Bball Court.
And I said, well, you are too.
And he pulled me over, gave me a kiss, and said:
"I will be the best, if I could treat you better."
I smiled.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Heart to Heart

Last week was a week of hectic.
Well, for bad stuff.
I came to realise this fact:
You aint close with anyone
you didn't reveal your heart to.
By that, I meant heart-to-heart talks.
Assumptions - they come in bits and pieces.
They can help you, or ruin you.
Sadly, last week, 'Assumptions' won the battle, the bad way.
I used to have this group of friends, whom I named 'Close'.
They consist of ladies from my previous school, and to me, they are precious.
We always hang out together, and though we hardly meet sometimes when life catches up with us, we worked out okay.
But it never did cross our minds... until one day I blasted out.
I saw that the girls went out - without me - to a trip to ubin.
I was shocked, and confused. Cause there were never once they went out without me, unless I couldn't make it, or prefer not to go.
And so I sent a text to one of them.
And the reply I got was that they thought I wouldn't want to come along, because their initial plan was to do a watersport, and I'm not a sports person.
Their assumptions are correct - I AM not a sports person.
But their assumptions on the other hand are wrong - I
AM keen to come.
They didn't think that I would play the sports, but they didn't think that I would enjoy side watching.

Assumptions: Credits to
It was then we realised, there's so many things in these years and years of friendship, were left unsaid and bottled.
If I haven't thought of being honest, perhaps nothing will surface, and we might be peaceful forever - but what for?
So I guess, its good to be true.
On the other hand, I placed my relationship on rocks, fighting with assumptions once again.
I blurted whatever that was in my mind, I just had to speak my mind off.
I was tired, drained of emotions and just wanted to be alone and peaceful.
And then I listened to his side of the story.
And I set my heart down to the ground.
Why let assumptions get the better of you?
Passion and love should, not the other.
It was when he placed his palm on my hair, and told me to stop crying, then my heart went back to place.
All of that after a huge outburst.
I could have flooded his room, totally.
So many things I've discovered, just within week.
Sometimes I think matters of the heart are simple,
but the process of understanding is always twists-and-turns.
Perhaps that's what made it all worthwhile.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Happy Birthday Carrie!
I honestly wanted to message you,
but after I wrote a long-ass message,
I realised I couldn't send otu cause my phone spoilt, Im using Iphone and it doesn't have any of my contacts FMLGG.
So I write here:
Dear Carrie, Me love you belly much for buying me food, feeding me, making sure I stay fat for the best hugging quality.
Though we don't meet often, I still love you!
I still think of you!
Everytime tong and I see something like a tower, no matter the Tower from Paris from Tokyo from where, we think of you lol.
I've got a gift for you!
But no matter what,
Jeslene loves you <3
Sunday, June 26, 2011
SO under updated!
Hello dear all!
Hello future me!
There I go with the same sentence:
I haven't been updating blahyakblah.
Many things changed after my last update.
In term of relationships, work, and friends.
But I'm not gonna let time drag those things into the future. =D
I've gotten a new job, and now working as an Executive for the CEO office.
It may not sound impressive, but PA/Secretarial work is one step higher than the Admin Assistant job I used to have.
If they have not mentioned, I wouldn't have realised I actually have more than 4 years of work experience. lol.
I'm still kinda trying to get use to the jobscope, cause right now its not the busy season, so when it really comes, I'll have to use up all my might on it.
Photos to explain my days:

We realised there's a River Safari coming soon, excitement max.
It was a superb day,
BF relived the days we were at Queenway, where he picked azuki seeds for me.
I now have the whole bottle filled to the brim :D
Little fellow isn't afraid of humans, closes eyes in content when you stroke him.
May is also my Cousin's big day!
My family and I almost got lost and walked to mount faber instead lol.
Curled hair for the day!
Little name tags for the 'kids'.
Well, I'm considered the younger generation so...
The menu!
My beloved mum and I!
Check out the identical smiles and noses! LOL.
The bride and groom, serving tea to my parents!
Champagne for toasting!
I haven't been drinking, so three sips and I'm red.
BUT! Even my parents thought it was pretty high in alcohol level.
My younger cousins got half drunk after that.
Cupcakes filled with love! <3
My sirlion steak!
Food isn't the most fab, but the atmosphere was.
I fell for the place, so romantic!
The event was simple and sweet, filled with laughter and joy.
I wish to have a wedding like that as well :')
Oh, and my Cousin's wife is actually the childhood friends of the actress Jessica Liu.
She is madly tall and gorgeous in real.
Coincidentally, Tat Sin (my hark performing team band member) was at the wedding as well,
he's the bride's friend lol.
One rainy afternoon, as my BF, Yingying and I were walking back to his place,
we found this little humming bird, drench in the rain and fallen on the soil.

BF stopped to look, as he was carrying alot of things, he had to go to the shelter to place them down first.
As for the girls, Leaking pointed the bird out to me, and almost immediately I squatted and picked the little fellow up.
The picture you see above was when it was drenched.
It was shivering so much, and it shitted on me, like four times lol.
But after 30mins it started to dry itself up, shaking water off from its feathers.

It started hopping around, chirping, and looked really happy to see BF's other feathery friends lol.
But we knew we had to let this baby free.
So after its first attempt to fly around the room, I took it down to the tree where it fell from.
Call me insane, but as we went out to get dinner, and back again,
we saw the little fellow, with its family, on a bald tree, singing happily.
I somehow knew, it came to say thank you and bye :)
Let me believe so lah ok!
Other furry matters:
Other fatty matters:
Madly in love with polkadots, but cannot match up with Tong's love for it!
Camwhoring at BF's place, with his camera.
I love this picture, lighting and all.
But BF disagreed and told me he liked this picture instead.
Whats with men and pouting girls?
Still madly in love with this man.
Even though now I'm on a full time job, and we meet each other for only 2 days a week,
I hope we will hang on tight and strong =)
End of entry!
Long enough alrights!
BF's Pioneer Cup Basketball Competition is right ahead.
All the wayyyyyyyyyy!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Its a walk to remember...

Well, that explains the purpose of this post lol.
Can't believe its been 2 years,
well technically, in 1 day's time lol.
Honestly I think 2 years is short, considering there are so many couples outside who are way longer lasting.
But looking back it seemed like we went through alot of stuff together O.o
Things that have not changed:

I still go to most fishing sessions with him.
Which explains why I'm black now.
And why I invest in so many SPF products.
Through sunshine and the rain,
through patins and peacock bass.
Or Chao Praya. LOL.
And we still head to all random events together!
One thing I love about this man is that he is willing to head out with my friends =)
Its not easy to find someone like that.
And well, we tend to feel sleepy all the time.
Like seriously.
He yawn, I'll yawn.
Then we'll be all sleepy with droopy eyes.
Things I still love about him:
The way he drop kisses on my hair.
The scissors paper stone we play out of nowhere.
The plucking of white hair for each other.
The random "I love you!" we throw at each other.
The F YOU & F YOU RIGHT BACK we always say.
The way he responds to my dislike of girls contacting him.
The way he shows affection to me even if his friends are around.
And much more but hellp, its 12mn coming 1am,
My brain is rusty!
I don't know what this guy loves about me honestly.
Im sucha bimbo, obsession over shopping and clothes...
And the bitch who yells when she has her PMS.
But since he loved me for so long,
SKY ONG you better love for for ALWAYS.
Happy 2nd Anniversary B!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Food Post, & fluffiness!
There's this trend going in within my family now, which is online vouchers from Groupon, Insing etc.
We look at good food then decide if its worth it, get the discount voucher and off we go for dinner/lunch.
And so this time we landed in:
Paradise Inn @ Bedok Point!
Food was pretty good, ambiance and serivce is a 5star.
We're in love with that place!
We ordered all the dishes in small, but feeds a family of four okay =D

Stir Fry Deer Meat with Ginger & Onions - $14
LOVE LOVE LOVE Deer meat/beef.
I think the next time I go to Zoo, I'll feel guilty.
But for now let's forget it lol.

Mapo Tofu - $10
Spicy tofu, I like! I always think this dish is wonderful for plain rice due to the gravy yums.
Shit, I'm hungry again.
Alongside these main dishes, we also ordered Coffee Ribs & Furong Egg,
Didn't fancy the ribs, and the picture I took was blurry so skip that.

And here is their signature Kong Bak Bao!
What is called in English? For all my life I've referred this to kong bak bao to all races lol.
Its just bao kiap pork belly.
SHIOK ttm.
$2.20 per piece though!
But its nice!

In comparison to the main dishes, the desserts aren't as good =(
I had the pamelo mango sago, my mum had the ginger steam egg.
The other one I forgot, something like ginseng and frog lol.
Overall it was a good experience!
The bill came up to $74, which is $18.50 per human including gst, service charge, paper towels, peanuts etc.
We had the voucher so it was 40bucks off for us!
End of food post, right now let's enjoy some fluffiness!

Say hi to Sapphire, Qi Long's maltese!
Its a She! And she's only 1 year old plus!

She's ultra shy, so I had to level my eyes with hers, show her my palms so that she knows I meant no harm.
Then when she licked my hands I knnnewwwwwwww I'm in loveeeeeeeeee.
And she's a lap dog, she loves tummy rubs and is just....... I don't know, CUTE!
Okay, something embarrassing,
Qi Long had another poodle, and its a he.
He's an eunuch cough cough and he chased me all around, and ended up trying to hump my arm.
Bingo was an eunuch too and I've never seen him hump anything!
So I was rather shocked.
but I picked him up, glared at him and threw him aside lol.

And here's my dear black cat underneath the block.
She is alive btw.
Lazing around sleeping lol.
One of the kiddo hamsters got outta it's cage on Thursday night.
My family searched for it for like 3 days before we finally found it just now.
We set food traps, hamster traps...
And even placed her cage on the floor with her friend in it beside an empty cage with food and water.
Then we started to realise eyyyy all the food are gone from the food dish in the empty cage!
CONFIRM in the kitchen!
But I searched, nothing!
When my family came home just now, the food dish was emptied again.
I lied on my tummy and was about to shine a torch underneath our freezer....
...when the little girl stared back at me with her beady eyes.
She slimmed.
Okays, I'm done!
There's this trend going in within my family now, which is online vouchers from Groupon, Insing etc.
We look at good food then decide if its worth it, get the discount voucher and off we go for dinner/lunch.
And so this time we landed in:
Paradise Inn @ Bedok Point!
Food was pretty good, ambiance and serivce is a 5star.
We're in love with that place!
We ordered all the dishes in small, but feeds a family of four okay =D

Stir Fry Deer Meat with Ginger & Onions - $14
LOVE LOVE LOVE Deer meat/beef.
I think the next time I go to Zoo, I'll feel guilty.
But for now let's forget it lol.

Mapo Tofu - $10
Spicy tofu, I like! I always think this dish is wonderful for plain rice due to the gravy yums.
Shit, I'm hungry again.
Alongside these main dishes, we also ordered Coffee Ribs & Furong Egg,
Didn't fancy the ribs, and the picture I took was blurry so skip that.

And here is their signature Kong Bak Bao!
What is called in English? For all my life I've referred this to kong bak bao to all races lol.
Its just bao kiap pork belly.
SHIOK ttm.
$2.20 per piece though!
But its nice!

In comparison to the main dishes, the desserts aren't as good =(
I had the pamelo mango sago, my mum had the ginger steam egg.
The other one I forgot, something like ginseng and frog lol.
Overall it was a good experience!
The bill came up to $74, which is $18.50 per human including gst, service charge, paper towels, peanuts etc.
We had the voucher so it was 40bucks off for us!
End of food post, right now let's enjoy some fluffiness!

Say hi to Sapphire, Qi Long's maltese!
Its a She! And she's only 1 year old plus!

She's ultra shy, so I had to level my eyes with hers, show her my palms so that she knows I meant no harm.
Then when she licked my hands I knnnewwwwwwww I'm in loveeeeeeeeee.
And she's a lap dog, she loves tummy rubs and is just....... I don't know, CUTE!
Okay, something embarrassing,
Qi Long had another poodle, and its a he.
He's an eunuch cough cough and he chased me all around, and ended up trying to hump my arm.
Bingo was an eunuch too and I've never seen him hump anything!
So I was rather shocked.
but I picked him up, glared at him and threw him aside lol.

And here's my dear black cat underneath the block.
She is alive btw.
Lazing around sleeping lol.
One of the kiddo hamsters got outta it's cage on Thursday night.
My family searched for it for like 3 days before we finally found it just now.
We set food traps, hamster traps...
And even placed her cage on the floor with her friend in it beside an empty cage with food and water.
Then we started to realise eyyyy all the food are gone from the food dish in the empty cage!
CONFIRM in the kitchen!
But I searched, nothing!
When my family came home just now, the food dish was emptied again.
I lied on my tummy and was about to shine a torch underneath our freezer....
...when the little girl stared back at me with her beady eyes.
She slimmed.
Okays, I'm done!
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