went out with leaking today.....
I was at Storm Monsoon since morning, 11am. All the way til 4pm. Rebonding hair... Got another haircut. Nice la, but i nid time to get used to it. Big bucks >_< style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5337/1078/200/SP_A0477.jpg" border="0"> The keyboard in our classroom, class rooommm~~~ D!Wilson the instructor, as usual, helpoing us improve. He has the most terrific voice!
DENSON!. The guy who always wanna murder me. My classmate. Lolz. This is a photo secretlt taken. He doesn't knows okay.
Hmmm nothing much to blog about........... So i shall end here. My hair looks short. ~.~
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