Yanting and I shall promise never to laugh at others misfortune again....
Will not will not!
Why? Well~ Anyone remembers this?:

Yes, this happened last week, when we're on the way to 201 there, and bus 12 broke down. We were walking past and saw it. Took a picture, and laughed.
What happened? You asked? Well, let Jeslene tell you a story.

One fine day, Jeslene ang Tongie are on the way home, on bus 53.... All of a sudden, just after the turn to Pasir Ris, the bus went stuck in the middle of nowhere. Bus driver tried to restart engine desprately.

Really desprately.
We watched as the buses drive past us...

And enjoyed the scenery outside.........................

And we finally HAVE to get out of the bus.

Bye-bye bus.
Lesson of the day?
Don't laugh at other ppl's mis fortune, someday it would be their turn to laugh.
Tank pictures~ As promised.

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