I went out with my dearest family gang! *happy* The sad thing is the family is still not complete without Wendy. *sighs*
We went to sing K-Box~ At Cineleisure! Man the lunch was even more splendid than the last time we went! We ordered 2 Fish and Chips, and 2 Chicken Wings. Ying wasn't able to make it for the singing session, so only the four of us. too bad for her, the lunch was wonderful! We exchanged the rice and such, and dug in happily, and hungrily.
Sang alot of new songs, such as beautiful love, wan mei, and alot alot alot of duets. Man we sound better in Chuang Wai this time at least, cuz I tried really hard to get what I'm singing. 'm totally clueless on how that song goes. Qi was bored at first, but she perked up soon after, and we sang the last song: Saranghaeyo Zhi Dui ni Shuo *shakes tong*
Actually, things we did today did have some relations with Ah Tong. lolz.
We went for photo taking =) See that? My fav foto was the first one, it's pretty! Simple and nice *it's actually cuz there wasn't enough time to do so. but still~* it's that monkey bar machine again. Man, I seemed to be so fated with that machine! My gurls! Bugis has a new photo machine and it has MONKEY BARS too! ^_______^
We went for shopping in Far East after that, this time without QunYu, cuz she has to go and fetch her Dad from the Airport. Qi bought a new flowery patterned tube top. We spent like 80bucks in this one store, cuz it has this buy 3 get one free promotion, so Yen bought a bag and a tube dress, and I chimped in and bought a halter tube too. Purple. Lolz.. And She got a tube free. All the tubes. O.o
See tong~? Purple!
We walked around, and saw quite a few temptations. I cannot stand the temptation, and phychoed Yen and Qi to chuck in to buy hair bands, cuz 3 for 10bucks ma, one is for 4bucks! Yen and I shared the cost for Qi's tho, cuz it's her bdae yesterday anywae, so considered it a add on to her pair od sunglasses~
Lolz. But still food is our first piority *cuz im still hungry* We went to eat dinner after that, 4plus pm lolz. Chicken, Kang Kong and butter sotong! Niceeeee~ And cheap too.
See tong? KANG KONG~
After which we took a walk towards Plaza Singapura, in between we decided to wait for Ying at OG there. But she nv did arrived. it was until we went into OG building to shop, THEN we see her in there, at U2!!!! blaaaaaaah.
Ying was complaining! About her heels! And she has ALOT of plasters on her feet. ALOT okay. She say it's all blisters. Oooooookay. We made our way to PS, *and btw, i changed shoes with Yen cuz my feet is hurting heex* and Ying said she will support me with a nice big banner if I go for Jue Dui Superstar =.=
Reached PS and we went to YOSHI~
But that's cuz Ying wants some. So we went indeed. I ordered a large lemon to share with Qi and Yen, since we ate already, and Brenda joined us. Was bored so I took photos again lolz...

We went to walk around after dinner, I saw a really nice pair of heels, but it cost 47 bucks! Even after discount! But's it's really nice, and it looked great with my feet. Such a pity. Qi kept saying im siao, cuz i kept doing stupid things. Welll~ Im just happy. Good mood haha.
Went home after that tho. Was really tired. And Im happie. Lolz...
Wadever it is going to happen. I hope i strive thru! We'll be having our monthly reunion feast on National day! I hope all can make it for out family gathering.
Im sorry if my entries are bored tho.
Monday is CA. SIGHS.