PHOTOS PHOTOS! OF THE CHALET TRIP! -I know tong, hui and carrie is waiting for me to update.

One fine afternoon, and I'm in the lift, waiting to make my way to pasir ris mrt station!

This ish tong! It's the first day of chalet, and here we are, in the unit already!

Hui2 =)

OMG! Ken Zhu! Erh, no, was it MJ? Ermmmm. Nope, it' Curry!

hui2 always love to disturb us! *fingers by hui2*


Frizzy lemon! *and the tvee.*

On the shuttle bus, bascially this happened on the second day of chalet lolz.

Back to the first day! Carrie and me!

My very very professional smile I always give clients AHAHAHA!

On the bed, wanna come and join me? HAHAHAHAHA. Im kidding. XD

The group! Mirror image. ^^

Eating Zi Ca, and Hui2 took this pic. ^^

The three of us, looking extremely white!!!!

We thank hui2 sincerely for being soo nice, to make tong look piggy in this pic while i look beautiful hahahahahaha.

Where is hui2 look!? NG!

Second time wasn't any better. BLURRED. >_<

Carrie with Shi Min's camera, and me taking a photo, vice versa with her. lolz.

The best model pose: Aladdin split!

From another angle, it's: Chey, onli carrie nia ma.

Nitedress! Lol. Couple dress. HAHAHA.

Shimin and a shy carrie awhhahahas~

Second day, on the way to meet tong. But the shuttle bus juz drove away from downtown! Poor tong!

On the day of the party, we sang a birthday song for both carrie and Kailin because they've already cut the cake before Yan, Joel, Kai, tong, Hui2, Aaron, Shan an and I came back from our nong nong nong~ walk. So we decided to sing one for kai and her. ^^ And this~ is Yan forcing Carrie to bite the candle holder out of the slice of cake, but bad yan, pushed the cake to carrie's face!

Four ladies in waiting. ~.~

And hui2 strikes again!

And finally we got to take a proper photo lol.

In the room with everyone, and this is my dear tong. <3

And hui looking like a blur doll. lol!
I still have more photos actually, but it's too much to upload. Lolz.
It's a great chalet!
Tiring but great, I went home sleeping like a pig, after eating of course. HAHAHA.
For carrie, wad happened after we went out for a walk.....
We went playing pool! Lolz, Yan die die wanna show off, show off until Shan an and Aaron fell on the floor dead. Lolz... And then they wanna suggest to go Red house, i cried NO!!! And then we went to take a walk towards pasir ris park, then back again hahaha.
Im lazi to type anymore. I'll leave it to hui2 to cover up for me!
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