Went to BUGIS again. AGAIN yesterday~ Well counting, I've been to bugis for the third time yesterday. Qi and Yen was bored, so they dragged me out at 4pm. Lolz... Wendy was there with us too. It's just that she wasn't feeling emotionally great at the start. Had a fight with her bf I think.
We were on the mrt train when we saw this few guys with HUGE SPIKEY PINK HAIR! And they were wearing Rock jackets. Feels like Jap Hard Rock. But well.......~ That guy with the spikey hair accidentally hit the roof of the train when he was walking out of the door tho. >_<
Walked around, trying to decide what to eat, ended up at V8 again. *curry, v8 again lo =.=* We took some pics too, but I didn't get the change to scan anything yet. Argh. So here goes, some pics from my phone.

I'm currently back with the Tackey & Tsubasa fever. I'm so weird. Lolz. I mean, Ho! Summer was like an August release, and I'm supposed to be over with that fever already. Then that day I was arguing with Alda about Bishies and I just out of no where said TAKKI! AND TSUBASA!
Ehhh~ So erh, since I'm back with the tackey and tsubasa fever, I rewatched Ho! Summer PV and screencapped this for the fun of it.
I think no one will actually analsy what I screencapped tho, HAHAH~
Ho! Summer!

Pawing Taki.

And...... He felt embaressed about the pawing around. I'm glad you noticed how funnie it was~

Tsubasa comes back from the sundry shop with a pack of dunno-what.

Aww so sweet of Tsubasa to feed Takki with an BITTEN apple of his!

Tsubasa: Ne, Takki, orange! Eat!

Tsubasa: Ne takki! Banana! Eat~

Takki: Aw crap! Tsuabasa! Stop feeding me with fruits!
Jeslene: Tsubasa dear, why are you going to the beach with fruits? Picnic I understand but... with bananas, oranges and apples?
That was crap.
Wait before I run, I shall declare I still like Pi-chan, I still like Xie Zhi, and I'm still in the Mike He fever. HAHAHA.
*runs away finally*
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