I went out with tong for lunch today. I didn't eat actually, just some of ah tong's fries and a regular Ice Lemon. Me, being the extreme vain queen. *yes carrie, call me Vain-gung mama* I shooed Yanting to the top floor to take pics.
Drama started after we decided which machine we wanted to take. Already done chaning our coins.
But there's this bun of primary sch girls in the machine and NOT taking any photo. we decided to wait for them patiently. And sheesh after 20 mins they're still not out?! Cannot stand it anymore. We went to ask the counter girls for help.
I know Tong was planning to be polite, she has always been polite when she's asking for help. But I don't know why she ended up with:
"Err excuse me, can you ask the girls in the machine to GET OUT? They're not take photos at all."
Ooooo. I was like, HUH lol!! Tong said she didn't realise how rude and fierce she sounded. But yea the lady went to the booth and asked them if they're taking photos. Then she told us they taking the photos now. Tong was preparing a black face, so am I. But when they finally came out, one girl said sorry to make u all wait so long...
...We said NVM.
Fish. We're such angels.
Being deprived of poses, here are desperate measures:

We went to library after that. You heard that right, LIBRARY. Borrowed some books and we went off to home.
Here are some pictures: (As usual, bear with my vainity.)
Taken before I went out.. Weirdly I look flushed yet pale.
OMG! It's instant noddles... no! It's Cup Noddles.... NO! IT'S GIANT SHRIMP WANTON!
We all know Ah tong loves wanton.
You know, it doesn't hurts to be twit-ish once in a while, but not as often as we do. See what happens? The aftermath, can u handle it?
After math 1: Putting up a Victory sign doesn't gives u vitory, no it's not proven.
Aftermath 2: While you're at it, don't forget to punch yourself for being so foolish in doing twitish poses.
I named the folder where I put these photos in my comp Giant Shrimp Wanton.
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