But I had a satisfying sleep. So I'm pretty energetic now.
All traces of emo-ness are gone.
Maybe I cannot emo for a long period, shrugs.
But basically, I just felt drifted away from certain people.
Shall not mention who or why =)
Long entry ahead!
Yesterday, I headed out to orchard area and Bugis with my brother.
He wanted to do his mass purchasing of mangas and mags.
So we went to Kinokuniya @ Taka and Bugis.
But before that, I dragged my brother to Robinsons
So that I could visit Tong and Hui. =)
I didn't see Sotong. LOL.
My brother bought around 100bucks worthed of books.
And gee. MONEY.
I saw quite some cute guys around. MUAHAHA.
And the thing is, I told my brother.
There was this ang mo who is darn tall, and handsome.
Ate Mos burger for lunch.
There were this Japanese family beside us.
My brother and I were silent, cuz we were listening to them talk.
In Jap la. Hahaha.
Walked to Bugis...
Went to Sunshine Plaza... I saw Victor. XD
Didn't eat hak gao tho. =\
Took a bus to Kai Qi's house~
Jeng Loon is almost dying in boredom by then.
Hiyu jie arrived afterwards and the whole lot of us went down to the neighbourhood to buy dinner.
We rented DVDs... And while the whole gang were looking at the DVDs, Jeng Loon and I were fascinated by the Sea Monkeys they sold in an Aquarium.
A pack for 1 dollar. So why do they still sell Sea Monkeys in toy shops for like, 20bucks?!
And I still think sea monkeys are gross.
The food around Kai Qi's house is FREAKING tempting.
The Zi Ca looks good.
And there's 2 baskets of Dim Sum, and a big bowl of porridge for 5bucks nia.
And and and, the carrot cake is goood!
And and and! The mango smoothie! (And the shop has cute guys too.)
Wa tong, let's raid that place soon lah.
Headed back to Kai's house...
And Hiyu Jie cooked SOBA!
Not any white soba, but CHAAAAAAAAAA SOBA!

I can die without regrets.

Jeng Loon played with the soba, and made it into some ant hive thingie. LOL.
We ate two whole full plates of the soba.

Kaiqi's dad and mom kept offering us food. From mangos, to apples, to chocs, to tidbits to drinks.
JL, Hiyu jie, my kor and I (plus a lil bit of Joanne's brother, Joel) watched Dr. Dolittle 3.
Not too bad, the movie.
But the storyline's a little too ------------------.
We went to catch bus 15 around 11.20pm.
And I got home around 11.50pm.
I dream of the most realistic scenario ever.
Tong Yanting, please anticipate.
Oie, I trust my sixth sense!
More details tomorrow okay~
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