Saturday, June 30, 2007
how do I act as if nothing has happened?
Just what am I doing?
This whole day,
I'm.... nuts.
I just act as if nothing is wrong.
But obviously the misunderstanding will not disappear.
Have I gone too close to them?
That you have to be so wary
That I will turn and walk away from you?
Tell me.
Is the distance making the trust simmer?
Or was it just... me?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I hope u liked the collab we did for ur birthday!
The people at afrs are super!
Love u, my one and only online twin! 5 freaking years already!
★Twinkle2. Super star Listen
★Twinkle3. 星星之火 (xing xing zhi huo) Listen
By these super ppl: Daffy Duck angel16, Ben_Ben, BubbleT, Dream Candy, Hannobee, hippokathy88, HutchisonCW, icymystic, Jeslene, Junkie5201314, Low_B_saMmy, Ramen, rxma, smrr00, xbunnii, xFenGz
Happy nineteen baby!
This entry is dedicate to YOU! <3
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Dragged Tong to Funan to collect my mp3's adapter, screen protector and rubber cover.
So glad the cover is rubber.
But it's a dull black, and well well well.
It hides the glossy sexy exterior of my mp4.
Never mind, beautiful bodies are meant to show people who are worthy.
I mean, my mp4, not MY body.
I'm a fat piece of pork.
Had KFC for lunch, and we shopped around city hall for a while.
I bought Jellies for $6.90 and they are super comfy!
And a lacy basic tank top for $9.
Accompanied Tong to John Little for her supposed interview.
Ended up the manager himself couldn't make it.
And Tong got through without an interview.
But the people there are super nice!
I tried on the top Tong tried with her sister.
It's super nice, super comfy.
And super ex!
Okay lah, 49bucks.
But I looooove it.
Sashayed to Heerens, and Tong bought a necklace from 77th street.
It looks like a crowned golf ball.
Cute, nevertheless.
On the way home in the train, some 50year old malay/indian man stared at me.
Not only me, but other girls also.
He was opposite where tong and I stood, leaning against the glass panels.
I told Tong I felt visually abused.
So she turned and stare hard at that man.
Reporting to me once every while he was staring at my legs and other people.
Or that his eyes rotated 360degrees.
I say, Tong protects me more than my bf will!
Tong, loveeee u! Altho you got distracted halfway by cute farangs, I still love u!
You know, the man was STILL staring at me when we got off at Tampines.
He did got off there too.
The thing is, from going down the escalator to walking towards the exit gates,
Headed to Tamp's Qi Ji!
Tong ate PohPiah and I had Ice lemon tea, as well as a snack from jollibean.
Love the aunties there! =))
Tong got distracted by JJ lookie alike, altho to me he's not JJ lookie alike.
More like * hair lookie alike.
Sent Tong to the station as she's heading to Bedok for dinner with her family!
Happy birthday, Tong's Mummy!

My new Pink Jellies!

(Please buy one for tong also XD)
I am not raping someone who rather lick the floor than kiss me. Yes, tong, I'm talking about you. XD
For like, FINALLY! Miss this girl loads! =DD Date!!! <3
Take care ladies! *and gents, if there's any reading this very bimboish entry.*
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I think some of my friends, as well as my internet browser, doesn't show my latest entry.
I'm currently turning back to Mozilla Firefox.
I shall make this day a memorable day of tears.
No no, I'm not sad lah!
Just that I was reading Tsubasa mangas.
Then... AIYA.
I feel so darn sad for Sakura and all.
So I cried through like three books of it.
Then I read then last book of Fruits Basket.
Cry lo!
Then I watched Xie Xie Ni De Wen Rou, the MV.
Then as the MV goes along, I read the lyrics, then I cried.
Typical Jeslene.
I should go on and find more things to cry about today.
Good, stress relieving.
Haven't been recording any songs these days.
My voice is not in the perfect situation.
But I have this cell in my brain that kept pushing me to write a song.
The melody is actually out, and official. But I haven't started on lyrics.
I need some brain juices for that.
All rights,
I'm up to nothing today.
So shall just end here.
Have fun enjoying today, darlings!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Finally, I changed into a new mp3/mp4 player!

It looks super nice, and super handphone-ish.
Samsung~ Gee, seems like I'm staying loyal to Samsung mp3s, since my last one is samsung's too.
I took the 2gb one, without bluetooth (exactly why do I need it, other than the headset?)
Love it! =)
Dim sum buffet with family today!
Super full lars.
I'm never living without hakgows!~
I am nv going to jail because they dun have hak gows in jail.
Okay, i'm lame.

Mummy & me =)


My little baby, Teh-susu, doesn't knows what's a tea glass.
"What's this?"

"Eee, don't like!"

Since we cannot waste food in the buffet, and mummy couldn't finish the meat, we used the veggies to cover the last piece of meat.
Stupid la, I know, but my mummy participated in this okay.

Headed to SimLim, bought my mp3 and we went to BHG to walk walk!
Then off to MUJI, Watsons and Kino to finish up some purchases.
ZA is on 30percent, last day. HAHAHA.
Anyone wanna date me out this weeeek?
LOL. I'm super free.
I ate salmon sushi for dinner!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Having my DMS now. And it's killing me.
This time, I get more stomach cramps than backaches.
Really sorry to tong, who I asked out for coffee and having to cancel it =(
I've been in a coma for short periods in the afternoon.
Comas as in really comas, not naps lah.
Don't know why, my blood sugar seemed to be really low since 1am .
But now I'm much better!
Just that I have weird dreams in those short sleeps.
I dreamt that I was in Kyoto University for studies.
There's even cha soba in my dream!
Hark Music School was on the news just now.
About the Saturday Shows - Shi Li Ge Shou Da Kao Yan 实力歌手大考验
And oh, I saw Jian Hong on
He really grew up le lah, though still young.
Heading out with my family tomorrow!
Dim Sum Buffet and my mp3 hunt, finally.
Did I ever mention my current mp3 player is nothing but a FM Radio?
And a thumbdrive lah.
But I'm still gonna use it as a thumbdrive until the day it really dies.
I want a mp4 actually, to store videos and maybe one with camera.
But shall see. =)
Think I've crapped enough!
Eri have uploaded the video she took of me in the singing competition on Friday!
Wanna watch it? Erh... wait long long. LOL.
No la, get the url from me lors.
Okays la, I shall update tomorrow with pics ba =)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
I've passed the Prelimnary rounds and I'm in for Quater-finals.

I'm actually pretty diappointed with how I sounded tonight.
I knew I couldn't use my head voices, so in emergency I switched to chest tones.
Luckily the Judges thought it was impressive enough.
But still I think I disappointed my friends.
Thanks alot girls, for coming to support me!
It really helped me to loosen my nerves.
Did some crapping with Patrick.
He's my classmate when I was still in Hark as a student.
And now he had to judge me!
He kept telling me "Jeslene you die la, I am going to make you die!"
Sicko lol.
But really good to see him again!
He's like, the only person in my class who I kept in contact with.
Oh, he didn't leave comments for me though.
I asked him, did you not dare, or don't have any comments to say?
then he said he paiseh.

Thursday, June 21, 2007
I'll let pictures do the talking!
Wa... You guys ate so much!
And some trial Anna Sui products! WOOT!
Excluding Jeng Loon and Tong, the rest of the gang headed to my house with alchohol.
The ladies went all naked in my room as we are playing dress up.
Dress up as in, trying on each other's clothes.
And since Hiyu Jie lives only 1 carpark from me, she brought her dresses over!
So we were like, trying on this and that.
Took photos, but am not posting it up, in case you know, they kill me.
Played truth or dare again in the room.
If we cannot answer the questions, we must drink the alchohol.
But I already drank quite some of it before the game LOL.
I kept having to give questions, because I'm the yellow one.
Kai Qi went a lil high after he got his turn 3 times, anddrank instead of answering.
We chatted and all till 4am in the morning.
Didn't went for breakfast cuz Kai Qi couldn't wake up.
But might be meeting them for supper tonight.
That's about it!
I still have loads of photos yet to upload but haiya.
Long entry!
Monday, June 18, 2007
I tried to remove my mascara using my TONER.
I have no idea what I was thinking okay.
It's only until my eyes were shocked with the pain of alcohol then I realised.
I'm so SLOW.
Must be cause I'm getting dumber.
(But actually I placed the toner bottle next to the remover bottle. must be that. I'm not dumb after all.)
Headed out for Kbox with my darlings today!
Early singing.
Met Joelle at cine! She's right lah, haven't seen her for a year, then now suddenly we keep seeing each other.
Tong looks ultra cute with that offie of hers.
I think I'm the extreme high-er in the room.
I scream and shout like my own business.
Machiam mad woman!
But you guys know me, I'm the Kbox siao kia.
Headed to robinson's after Tong's salon trip!
Then off to PS to meet Siew Choo and Cally!
Walked around then we sent Siew Choo off to the train station.
Then the remainder of us went for tau hua break.
There's some seriously irritating people in the Tau Hua shop.
Sickos, think we don't know you all are mumbling about us.
Tong went for interview and the three of us went to Hark to reserve another seat for Cally on 22nd.
I've got nine ppl to support me on 22nd! =)
Ate dinner at a place called 'Fatty'.
Beef hor fun and Kang Kong! =D
Got a little crazy there. All the breast talks.
Decided to go Sentosa tomorrow!
With Tong, Hui, Cally and SC!
I'm drained now.
I'm getting old.
Im in HUGE trouble.
Have no idea of what to sing on 22nd.
It's nearing me in such a rapid speed.
I think I shall end here!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Not like I don't like it, the weather is cool, and the atmosphere is good enough for me to think alot of things through.
And well, espcially what song am I going to sing.
Reading through my past entries in other blogs, not in blogger.
Can see how sadistical I can get sometimes lah. LOL.
But it's just issues that I've went through and now, I'm over it.
29 September 1988
Your date of conception was on or about 7 January 1988 which was a Thursday.
You were born on a Thursday under the astrological sign Libra.
Your Life path number is 1.
Life Path Compatibility:You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
( I checked Ze's, he's a number 7. *blushes*)
Your birth tree is
Hazelnut Tree, the Extraordinary
Charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody and capricious lover, honest and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgement.
(Quite true!)
Dearies, wanna know these things? Go to
Come on dearies, meet my latest addition to my smoochies.

Manufacturers call her Hachiko (meaning Ba Zi, Eight Child) I call her...
Why ah, very simple. Cuz she's an Octopusu, Su? Teh susu. HEE!
Alfredie's new friend, now! =)
"Summer's so blue when it's raining in June, that's how it feels, when I'm missin' you."
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hiyu jie
Thats all I've confirmed.
Anyone else?
I need to know by tomorrow, before 2pm.
I am going to reserve the seats tomolo!
I didn't study for my marketing test until this very day.
Was too tired last night to manage any energy.
Turned out to be quite all right, that test.
Just that, well.
I like to be Chicken Grandma.
We the citizens of Chicken Grandma!
I think carrie and I will be heading to the UK funfair tomorrow evening!
i wished to update more...
But I'm currently... not concentrating on anything.
Currently thinking of what to sing.
Only have a vivid idea.
- Ai wo de zi ge
- Yu Shang Ai
- Cheng Li De Yue Guang
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
1. Hui2
2. Tong
3. Carrie
4. Hiyu jie
5. Maryanne
6. Adelene
7. Adrian
8. Alan
9. Paul
10. Ze
11. Yan
12. Kailin
13. Chingling
14. Peiyun
15. Eri
16. Johan
17. Fukun
18. Joel
19. Timmy
20. Josh
How well do you know 5?
I would love to know more and MORE~ about this lady!
Is 1 your best friend?
She's easily one of my greatest friend ever <3
Have you ever dated 3?
I date her just today, how sweet hor, carrie?
Are any of them family?
Ehhh, strictly speaking, no.
Would 1 and 7 make a good couple?
OMG. Allow me to laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They might, seriously they might!
What about 3 and 10?
Ze and Carrie. They two ah, having an affair le lah! Think i don't know!
7 and 19?
I'm down right sure my timmy doesn't like men, stupid men like adrian. LOL!
5 and 11?
...Maryanne and Liyan. Erh, joel, im sorry! LOL!
17 and 12?
OH! that one last time I did consider! But hor, one is married lah, son is 1 year old this coming sunday!
Have you fallen in love with any of them?
Ya lah!
How many?
1, just that one. LOL!
Do all of them know?
Erh......... I guess?
Describe 4:
oooh~ She's my honey sweetiecakes with loads of tiramisu and sashimi smoochies, and to add on, she's attached. BAAAA!
What does 18 do for fun?
Wa, last time he told me he watched HENTAI for fun. XD
Would you ever date 6?
Are 1 and 2 friends?
Are 6 and 19?
Is 20 good looking?
Josh has a charming personality to match those looks of his XD
Do any of these people have a crush on you?
You ask them la! Ask me?!
What is 13’s favorite color?
She got say black before!
What is 15’s favorite food?
Etoo... Japanese food!
Do you love any of them?
All of them?
Do you and 16 have inside jokes?
LOADS and LOADS. lol!
Do you crushes on any of them?
hmmmm currently no!
Which ones?
Is 2 your bf/gf?
Divorced liao lah!
If you were crying, would 6 make you feel better?
She would if she doesn't slaps me hahahahaha!
Has 10 ever hurt you?
Ahhh... YES.
Has 7?
YES TOO! He dunnoe make me cry how many times already!
Have you ever hated 17?
Uh yes, because he borrowed his friend MY VCD without telling me, then when the VCD came back to me, something inside was lost. =.=
Have you ever loved 19?
Does 20 play any sports?
Erhh me dunnoe.
Have you ever dated 14?
...........Nu er ah, do u wanna date mummy?
Are you friends with 11?
Arbo dennnn! My best friend somemore
Has 1 ever self harmed?
Does 12 come from a wealthy family?
ok lah~ kai is richer than me by alot!
Why is 2 second?
Dunnoe, its not on purpose lehs
If 6 took this, would you be on the top ten?
What kind of music does 4 like?
ooo loads and loads! JAY CHOU! 56! WOOO!
Pick 5 of your favorite people on the list:
Cannot pick lah!!!! Love them all!
What is 8’s worst quality?
Da jie is too naggy!
One more test to go, and I'm free for a moment!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Please confirm with me if you're going to support me on the 22nd of June, Friday.
I have to reserve seats for you to avoid disappointment!
Latest, please confirm by 14JUNE.
I will call hark for the reservations. On 14June, this coming Friday!

Saturday, June 09, 2007
To let my darlings know I'm pretty okay.
My leg still swells, and I'm still walking like a penguin.
I skipped lunch today,
Cuz walking to the kitchen kills.
I'm currently using my computer chair as a wheelchai5r
So I can "roll" around without any trouble.
Showering is the worst.
I have to grab a chair to sit under the shower.
I shall see if Monday school is possible.
Mom and dad doesn't want me to move around.
I'm like, immobilized.
slept and slept.
hopped and hopped and still hopping.
Dad did massage my leg with medicated oil.
But I die die dun wanna see Tie Da.
It will hurt like hell.
Even if the tie ta is done by chris, or takki, or pi, or xie zhi.

Homemade pizza with Pineapples, Sausage. Anyone? =DD
And to scare you guys, here's me.

On a happy note, Hark just called me.
I'm in for prelim rounds.
22nd June, Friday, 8PM.
Anyone coming? =D
Friday, June 08, 2007
Just as I thought, finally today it's Friday, and I can rest a lil before the next project.
Plans for today are all CANCELED.
Because Jeslene the greater sprained her ankle in school today.
I was walking down the lift stairs when someone banged be from the side.
I missed three steps and fell.
I heard laughter.
You tell me, how uncivilized these students can be?
I landed upright, and managed to keep myself standing.
But immediately I knew, this is going to be serious.
And yeah, it began to swell.
I know I've been in this before, and I know the last one, I fell harder as I was wearing heels.
This time, although I'm wearing canvas shoes,
I'm frightened, I better not hurt any of my bones.

And for the first time in my ite days, I have to wear this damn "Im not wearing school shoes" tag. I brought my slippers along because I wanted to head out after school, and darn, it's useful in the wrong way.
We finished the project proposal today. And well, I know I'm a burden to my friends today cause I couldn't walk much at all. They have to run all errands and they have to be my walking stick.
Oh, I took the lift like, 5times today, guang ming zheng da. Sick.
I have to take a cab home, and I managed to climb down the stairs in the most painful way. Aiya, at least I didn't sit on the stairs and slide myself down one step by one step lahs.
Mum tried putting medicated oil on me and she rubbed so lightly, but it hurt so much, my tears juz fell and I couldn't stop. Uh well. I wonder if I can make it to school on monday. But no s&w, im sure. =\

I took this in the morning, before I headed out for school. Beautiful sunrise, bad bad day.
The UK Funfair by Mr Ringo is starting soon and I'm craving to go. I wish it's just not so expensive though.
Dear Maryanne and Tong, please remember Jeslene Lee the bai ka the next time you all got too engrossed with talking. Don't just leave me behind and you walk 10 metres away le then realised I'm bai ka-ing and in the cab already.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
2 weeks at #1 - 20 weeks on chart
This is my moment
This is my perfect moment with you
This is what God meant
This is my perfect moment with you
I wish I could freeze this space in time
The way that I feel for you inside
This is my moment
This is my perfect moment with you
Tell me you love me when you leave
You're more than a shadow, that's what I believe
You take me to places I never thought I'd see
Minute by minute you're the world to me
I wish I could frame the look in your eyes
The way that I feel for you inside
This is my moment
This is my perfect moment with you
And if tomorrow brings a lonely day
Here and now I know I haven't lived in vain
I'll cry my tears in the rain
And if love never comes again
I can always say I've been
To paradise skies in your eyes, eyes, eyes
Tell me you love me the moment you leave
You're more than a shadow, I've got to believe
I wish I could keep you all of my life
The way that I feel for you inside
This is my moment
This is my perfect moment with you
This is my moment
This is my perfect moment with you
With you
Loads of overdue pictures!