To let my darlings know I'm pretty okay.
My leg still swells, and I'm still walking like a penguin.
I skipped lunch today,
Cuz walking to the kitchen kills.
I'm currently using my computer chair as a wheelchai5r
So I can "roll" around without any trouble.
Showering is the worst.
I have to grab a chair to sit under the shower.
I shall see if Monday school is possible.
Mom and dad doesn't want me to move around.
I'm like, immobilized.
slept and slept.
hopped and hopped and still hopping.
Dad did massage my leg with medicated oil.
But I die die dun wanna see Tie Da.
It will hurt like hell.
Even if the tie ta is done by chris, or takki, or pi, or xie zhi.

Homemade pizza with Pineapples, Sausage. Anyone? =DD
And to scare you guys, here's me.

On a happy note, Hark just called me.
I'm in for prelim rounds.
22nd June, Friday, 8PM.
Anyone coming? =D
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