I'm happy.
Well, although I don't plan on celebrating my birthday, I always enjoy the moments concerning my birthday. I guess its a gift from the heavens.
Before I make anymore nonsensical than that sentence, let me update on what's happening around me.
Well, on the 26th to this morning, I was in chalet. Shall combine the pictures and all together before I update on it. That will be around sunday i guess haha.
I was really tired, after I came home from the chalet. I hardly slept well cuz I wasn't used to sleeping in a location that I am not familiar with. This explains why i can sleep in class, too familiar. LOL.
Fell asleep and woke up soon after to prepare to my main event of the day:
Grand Finalists' Concert @ Hark Music.
I think my voice sucked.
But its just so great seeing all the finalists again.
Su Kit was our emcee for the day. Super funny lah, him.
He said I am like the girl from the neighbourhood, very normal but with an extraoridinary voice.
I think I killed his impression on that, sorry la sukit. LOL.
Personally, I'm very very angry at my own voice for giving up on me, espcially when I'm singing Yi Shi De Mei Hao.
Then again, its my own fault. Sighs.

My babes - Tong and leaking, they made an effort to surprise me at the end of the concert.
They buck up hao hao with aaron de loh.
I was like wondering what the hell aaron was doing walking around, then su kit invited me up the stage and the finalists sang a birthday song for me.
Very touched.
Very, really. Even if I don't sound so.
So~ 30 mins before my birthday, its 1122pm now.
Thanks to my finalists - Carissa, Aaron, Sophia, Daisy, Tat Sin and Jun Xuan.
And of course, Tong, who roped aaron in for the plan and leaking.
All loves! <3
I know I sound very restless, cuz I'm really sleepy. Shall head to the washroom and shower before I dunk into my bed.
Bye bye!
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