Headed to Chinatown (I almost typed China) for some xiao long baos and fried rice.
I think I'm getting fatter and fatter.
But the Xiao Long Baos there are super nice! =X
Ah well, the highlight of the day:
Korean Fair @ Korea Plaza
Carrie decided to take all of us *Except hui, she went home after stuffing herself with food* to this Korea Fair at the newly opened Korea Plaza.
Quite interesting, alot of people who were there were Koreans.
I love Korean language. I don't know, its just, very nice.
Okay, anyway, the event started with this:

There was a priest to host the wedding, along with a lady to translate.
The wedding was sorta complicated.
Loads of rules.
But so are the traditional chinese ones eh?
The bride couldn't stop laughing.
The priest said, if the bride laughs during her wedding, the belief is that her first child would be a girl.
Then carrie said all her children will be girls cause she couldn't stop laughing.

Carrie and Maryanne went to have a try at the tea ceremony.
Tong and I?
Fooling around lors.
Ohoh, there was this lady who writes for a korean magazine.
She was super nice to us, explaining to us the traditions and all.
During the ceremony, she patiently explained to Carrie and Maryanne on what you should do during a tea ceremony.

Ignore my fats.
Carrie and I with the teapots. HAHA.

Maryanne, Ton and I with a Korean ahjusshi.
Erh. He just sat right next to us when we were taking a photo.
But he couldn't understand english well.
But he's sorta funny lah, cause he wanted to take a photo with maryanne twice.
It started raining heavily when we were on the way back to the station.
With only two brollies, we have to split ourselves into 2 groups, go and come back.
And I sheltered an ang mo to the station.
Maryanne asked if the ang mo was a few years younger will I go gaga.
Wa, am I such a slut?
I had Kaminabe for dinner.
I was bored, so I did this:

The neoprint style okay.
Zai right!
And tong, you said you wanted a christmas hat.
Na, your hat.
I better go back to my ah pek.
He's coughing very violently.
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