Had quite a cheerful day today, surprisingly.
Not because I was emotional or whatever.
Just that school does not equals to cheery day, most of the time.
Then again, I was a little pek cek at the way things were done by a teacher.
Uh-huh, so that makes it a half half.
Liana, Feeza, Tong, Carrie and I went to NUH to visit anne.
We camwhored all the way from school, to train, to shuttle bus and to the hospital.
Ahh, ladies' nature.
I'm pretty drained now, so I shall leave it to pictures...

I was facinated by Liana's china phone.
200plus bucks, and it streams television progs from other countries as well.
Works like a normal PDA phone too.

Liana decided to take revenge.
I look si bei fat, but haiya. I don't care.
Tong and I decided the train had terrific lighting, so erh...
In appreciation, we cam-whored too.
Its not an excuse.

That's carrie's shoulders. Muahaha.
Make full use of her.
Yvonne aka Peiyun's birthday tomorrow!
We're heading out to eat.
Most probably, its marche.
Headache, go away!
I suspect the guy who sat beside me on the train today was HP guy.
But if its HP guy, its impossible for me not to recognize him right!
After all he's my infatuation...
Couldn't believe myself, so I went to his workplace to see see look look.
He's not around O.o
Gosh, so was that him?
Sitting beside me for that whole 30mins?
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