She has done up a new banner, but she's lazy to even upload it into photobucket.
Therefore, no new banner yet.

Jeslene is extremely lazy.
All she did today was sing, sing and practice, but she's already so tired.
She don't feel like doing anything.

Camwhoring not included.
Jeslene is unhappy with the marriage with yan,
So now I'm discussing a divorce with her.
I told her I'll take all the kids.
She doesn't want a divorce.

Jesĺene♪ Jelly. says:
u walk your single wood bridge
Jesĺene♪ Jelly. says:
i walk my sheep light path
Li Yan says:
Li Yan says:
Jesĺene♪ Jelly. says:
Du mu qiao
Jesĺene♪ Jelly. says:
and yang guang dao la
Concert is coming!
I've reserved 4 tickets to the concert on Jan 11, FREE~
So ah... One is for my mom.
So please tell me if you want the tickets.
And also, do call Hark Music to check if there's anymore complimentary tickets =)
Practice today proved to be... Well emotional.
Was trying to explain why I wanted to sing Dang Ni.
I said something like, because there was a period of time that song brought me tears and nothing else.
Then I thought of someone I shouldn't.
Alan asked, will he be coming?
I can only shake my head and say, its impossible.
I bit back my tears as soon as it formed.
And I sang.
I almost couldn't continue.
But I acted as if nothing happened lah.
Just when I thought everything... was over.
You came into my mind again.
I think there's nothing else to write.