Friday was the cisco meeting, and then, Performing Team meeting.
I've already touched about those, so let's move on.
I changed my phone to the one I've always wanted.
Samsung U700 Ultra Edition 12.1.
Of course I know shan an has the same one, but mine is black.
Changing my phone wasn't in my day's plan.
But since mum is heading out to starhub regarding the wireless connection...
I just tried my luck in requesting again, and using my ang bao money...
Didn't expect her to agree, i thought I would wait till Jan, but lala.
After which I went to Bugis to meet the newly-wed Leaking.
She wanted to pick a present for Raymund.
Headed to Bugis street and found a pink polo tee that Leaking fancies and decided to force Raymund to wear.
The salesman is rather cute *COUGH*
He said: "Using nets ah, must charge 30cents hor."
We blur blur, say orh.
Then he say: "Must pay by cash hor."
We blur blur, say orh.
Then he say: "AIYA, bluff you all one lah."
We say: "HUH. Orh. We are so gullible."

Which is like, just now.
I went to Hark Music again, for my Team's first practice.
We lost track of time as soon as we starting jamming.
Started from 12.30pm, and only ended at 4pm.
Gosh, I didn't realise I was hungry, until we ended.
We've settled on 5 songs, and I'm loving everyone of it.
We have one month before the concert and I'm anticipating.
Practice was great.
Xue Wei and Alan can play some great keyboard.
Woo hoo.
My voice fits with Tat Sin, so well that I can say it fits more than Aaron(ye)'s.
Shouldn't mention anything else about how we are going to sing.
Can only say, we're having more of the soothing songs.

Keyboard, and chords. LALALALOOM.

Keyboard is sup sup sui to Alan.

Camwhoring while Xue Wei and Alan were discussing about the chords.

The unconfirmed list of songs.
Next practice coming up: Wednesday night, and Sunday afternoon.
Overdued pictures from ROM.
Still have not edit all but....

This is my blog and I have my own rights.
Please respect.
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