All hail the cheapo-only-have-2bucks queen.
I'm on my lappie now
, so I have no other pictures except this, which i stole from Tong's blog.
Its been quite a few days since I updated,
weirdly my unique visitors view is increasing nevertheless.
Uh, people who reads my blog, raise ur hands pu-lease?
Chinese New Year holidays are over.
Ah Meng said bye bye to us *I swear I teared up when I heard the news*
I don't think I had the rest I planned to, though,
Visiting wore me out and somehow, I didn't manage to sleep well these days.
But pretty fruitful, I must say (in terms of chi-king and relations)
Saturday was gathering with Anne and Tong.
We had lunch at Pizza Hut Tampines.
Uh, if I must write a review, I have to say its sorta sucky.
Not saying the serivce is bad or what,
Just that there were too many service breakdown and recoveries.
The four of us, including my cousin Cheryl, ordered the prosperity pizza set.
So there were soups, drinks and pan pizza, and the prosperity pizza.
We finished the pan pizza soon and waited for the Prosperity one to be served.
30mins later, nothing.
We asked about the pizza and the waitress ensured us it would on its way out soon.
Another 20mins later, nothing.
The same waitress looked shocked when she realised there was no pizza.
She ensured us once again the pizza will be served soon and offered us complimentary drumlets.
Then, another 20mins,
another waitress came over and told us the chefs baked the wrong order.
Instead of the regular pizza, they baked the large one.
She asked if they can serve it, but still charge us as per normal, we agreed.
Couldn't finish the pizza in the end.
Oh, tong named the photo at the top
"Mother of the day"
Ah. Man.
Im not yet 20.
Sunday was visiting to Yan's house.
Seeing her mummy always make me happy~
Watched a movie on Yan's lappie,
Titled: Sydney White
Have anyone watch it? Its sorta bimbo but its pretty cute.
Auntie and Uncle drove us to Plaza Sing and then we walked to Taka's Kinokuniya.
eh, we were practically floating aimlessly.
Restless, I guess.
We went into this toy shop and I was enchanted by the manual music box.
It had tunes that I really like~
'La vi en Rose' and 'Romeo and Juliet"
"I wanna hold your hand"
Tempted, but decided it won't hurt to come back later.
Further shopping in Taka and we had dinner at Ajisen.
Back to Yan's house and I went off soon.
I was pretty happy that day.
My mood led me to compliment the uncle's taxi smelling nice out of nowhere.
Uncle was flattered, of course. LOL.
Have brought all materials for Vday.
I'm pretty excited.
Jeslene is unwanted.
its cause I wanna see how well the baking will turn out. =)
I'm going swimming after school tomorrow at Bishan Complex!
And Im ending my entry here.
I accidentally dropped my house just now and it closed the whole browser.
Thank goodness for auto save.
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