There was quite a number of issues that I couldn't resolve and I was left stranded.
And I made quite a few silly decisions, although I was very clear minded.
But lets leave that for later.
For now, I shall recap what happened this week:
27th of June 2008, I left Capitaland Resi, as my three months contract ended.

I remembered the first day I was there,
All the insecurities and such disappeared when I met those nice people.
I never regretted entering this company.
It was homely and well, very tidbits orientated. LOL.
Oh okay, I did regretted a little when I started all those freaking ARCHIVING WORKS.
Oh goodness, you don't know how much strength and tears I put into these lil babies.
Killed me, almost.
But that was also how I met...

Left Row: Annabel, Kai Lin, Josephine, Lee Choo, Yan Lin @ the back
Right Row: Jeslene, Nora and Li-Chung
Jennifer is not the picture, she went to pick up a call.
On Wednesday, Nora and everyone else gave me (& Li-chung) a treat.
And knowing I love Jap food, they brought me to this place named Shin Nichi @ International Plaza.
Claimed to have COLLAGEN in their ramen, I had it. HAHAHA.
And they know I couldn't live without Sashimi.
And thanks to Li-Chung wonderful 10megapix cam, I have such clear pictures hahaha!
My lovely colleueges =)
We're not totally from the same department ya know.
Its like, HR, Tax, Project Admin, Finance. HAHA.
We gossiped (about someone who loves breaks LOL)
Made cold jokes (that were really cold)
It was really fun and all.
The food's not too bad either.
Service is good enough =D

I've been thinking.
Am I betraying my own feelings?
Or am I just facing up to it?
Now I really know how Hui felt.
To be unable to leave things as it is.
The kisses, hugs and touch.
It tends to linger.
Am I way too greedy, wanting more?
I won't get to see the giver as often as I could anymore.
My decision to make this a fling... its not right at all.
I knew it.
I knew it.
But I couldn't deny myself.
You make me happy.
You make me feel loved.
You make me feel like I'm Jeslene all over again.
This doesn't sound quite like a fling isn't it?
I want to leave things as it is.
I won't put in anymore emotions.
That it shall stay.
Oh right,
The earpiece part gone case I guess.
Must be too much sliding of the phone.
Changed back to my dear old phone while my current phone gets some surgery at the service centre.
I need to get used to it again man.
By the way, I spent way too much these days.
I've got myself... like three dresses, two tube babydolls, esprit fragrance, ginvera products, Bras & underwear...
All within a week.
I spent more than $150 in like, 4 days.
But I was really happy with my purchases so I guess I'm happy.
I just re-dyed my hair.
Its reddish brown now.
Sorta like my old colour, just a lil brighter.
I like my hair colour to be just brown enough to be seen.
I won't turn into a blondie =P
I guess this entry is long enough.
Tomorrow's the showcase and the lyrics are half attached into my head.
I hope I don't screw things up.
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