I finally got to watch Hana Yori Dango Final =D
Met up with Hiyu Jie @ Douby Cathy for it.
For the whole of the movie, I kept going wtf, awwwww, oohhh myyy, hahahahaha.
Don't know, I kept having that "oh that's what Tsukasa will do! ahahah!"
That's a HYD fan for you.
Did I mentioned I read the last book of HYD and totally went gaga over Rui?
But anyway, the movie was good,
pretty funny and interesting, and you can see they spent a bomb on it.
Though some characters are rather out of character (coughruicough) overall it's quite good.
But I think unless you know some basics of Hana Yori Dango, or Meteor Garden, it won't be good as a standalone.
Pros & Cons, but good enough for a die hard HYD fan like me =DD

Taken after the movie
Having cramps right now.
I die die still went for the movie, cause I wanna catch it so badly, plus I don't want to fly Hiyu jie any more aeroplanes.
Having cramps right now.
I die die still went for the movie, cause I wanna catch it so badly, plus I don't want to fly Hiyu jie any more aeroplanes.
I'm just glad I didn't drink alot of cold water before today, if not I would be rolling on my bed.
Now I'm hungry, I only had a hotdog and milk tea for dinner, and that was at 7pm.
Glen talked about food and he ordered Mac's.
Made me hungrier.
Psst. That black Siren dress at http://dressabelle.livejournal.com/11610.html is OH SO PRETTY.
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