Sch's starting tomorrow and I doubt there's anyone looking forward to it.
I'll be in Unicampus every single freaking day.
Its gonna be $$ after $ for transportation.
Did I mentioned about how stupid the schedule is?
I end like 630pm and start like 830am?
Because there's a 4hours break in between?
I've been sleeping and sleeping like no one's biz cause I felt like I haven't slept enough.
I wonder what's wrong with me.
My January and Feb is so bursting with things to do!
But okay lah, I'm happy. =D
I spent yesterday singing, and shopping with leaking, and updating my bestie what's going on.
B was shocked I was tipsy hahaha.
Oh well.
Belated pictures to entertain:

Group pic from Christmas!
Log cake and terrible tasting red wine on the table.
And look at Kai Qi's WTF look!
I realised my living room's wall is perfect for photo taking.

And yes this very idiotic looking picture of me.
TY to Joshie for all the pics yeah *hugs*

And vaal and kathy singing 一支小雨伞.
I miss miss my babes!
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