She has no plans to head out.
She is bored.
She is having a good hair day and wants to camwhore.
She doesn't want to camwhore alone.

Grab Ang Ku Kueh.

And play with your webcam, risking your messy room to be seen.

Do stupid stuff.

And realise how stupid you can get.

Then conclude the entry.
I'm just bored.
But oh well,
I did head out, to the supermarket.
Then I was at Mac's buying food.
These two teenage girls were so impolite to the staff!
The auntie was like informing them that student meal and the lunch value meal is the same price.
Cause the lunch value meal fries are actually bigger than the student meal ones.
They ji tao reply: "How I know same or not! You also never tell us!"
Auntie: "Now I'm telling you lah."
Them: "Ya la ya lah!"
Mind you, in a very rude manner.
They looked 15/16.
Oh well.
I'm getting old, maybe.
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