Mr Ong is currently sleeping on the train towards Joo Koon after sending me home now.
So I'm taking this chance to quickly compose a blog entry to tell this guy all I wanted to.
So people think: WTF, its only a month-sery thing, BIG DEAL?!
You know what, I don't care what other people think. The both of us also decided on passing on the celebrations for the months to come, till a significant date.
But somehow, as the month comes to an end, I kept having this thought:
"Thank goodness, its you I found."
Someone who can tolerate who I really am,
Someone who can touch my heart,
Someone who loves me faithfully,
Someone who trust me wholeheartedly,
Someone who gives me the freedom I need,
Someone who pampers and treats me like a queen - in his heart.
And most importantly,
He is the only one who accepted the past, and told me it was what which made me who I am now.
I love the way he worries about meeting my parents.
I love the way he worries about me falling apart.
I love the way he always think I'm clumsy, cause I trip alllllll the time.
I love the way he shower me with tons of cheesy love talks that make me puke.
I love the way he told me, "its this hand I hold that I'll never let go."
Of course, nothing is ever smooth sailing.
We did have our agreements and disagreements.
For one point of the time, we almost ended up in argumentation topics.
That could have easily tore us apart, given the stubbornness of us both.
That honestly made me rethink, is this the right decision?
Am I taking him for granted?
Then I realised, I'm afraid of losing him.
Thank goodness, we think before we really start any arguments.
And thus, ended up in peaceful debates.
We talk everything out, holding hands.
And its only one month into this relationship, and I'm loving it.
Fuck all the people who think "Honeymoon period mah... Of course you'll feel that way."
Its not like I've never been through the "honeymoon periods" in a relationship.
And I was the one who always tell him that as well.
But I don't care, don't bother about anything anymore.
I have the confidence that we'll last - till the very end.
So, baby.
By 12am, you'll see this post.
And its specially dedicated to this special day - on the 14th of every month.

I love you!
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