Vivo with Leaking and BF:
& i heart daiso & my maxi dress =D
Dinner at Dian Xiao Er with my family!
All I know is my parents adore him =)
Food is really good there!
The roasted duck rocks~
& more camwhoring.
Leaking & Raymund lol.
My dearest baby...
And my family =)
Us two couples went for a walkaround in Tampines One after dinner.
We ended up in Starhub and with Baby giving me a huge surprise.
The Pixon Pink that's I've been whining for since what, Feb?
I'm going to recontract my line tomorrow for the phone and he's paying for it.
He said he actually wanted to get it for me as a birthday present, but since now the price is really good, he'll get it now.
Oh, what can I not love about this BF of mine?
Its true we argue occasionally.
But soon after we'll be just fine.
I believed when people say: People will only show their worst temper to you because you're someone close to their heart.
They know you can tolerate & forgive.
That's why I love my baby this much.
The four of us stuck around Mac's for a drink and crazy gossips and chats.
Then my BF sent me home.
What a great day =D
Other than screwed Blogger still.
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