I only have 5 days more to tell people I'm 20!
And 5 days more to nag at BF that I'm younger than him cause his birthday was in march.
So here comes a BIRTHDAY WISHLIST!
1) Jeggings, the Leggings and Jeans combination. In washed/blue.
I just need more Jeans.
And Jeggings are perfect!
Don't ahve to try it on cause its free sized as well XD
I saw them selling in certain shops in Far East Plaza, including Best of Blogshops under Tracyinny.

2) Dresses, all kinds! You people know my style. HAHA.
BF always say I'm the unspoken glamour.
But I just looooooooove clothes though my mum complains about the mountain of clothes in my room.
Thank you, Kathy and Vaal for the really sweet dress!
But you 2 underestimated my bust size, the v cut turned very very V hahaha.
3) Makeup, Majolica Mascaras! BB Creams! HAHA! These are 2 makeup items that I need now. Shrugs.
4) A DSLITE. Yeah, been wanting it since don't know when. But its not important haha!
5) Long necklaces, unique rings and accessories! Actually I'm that easy. I love anything to do with fashion and makeup! Typical lady here!
6) Money, yes, angbao me! I'm gonna spend ALOT on the 21st party. So its gonna kill me. I don't mind donations XD
7) Boyfriend blazers!
8) I want my friends and family to stay happy, really. I'm dedicating my 21st birthday wish to this.
I want BF to be successful and happy in everything he does, be it Basketballing, Work, Fishing or even us. <3
I want my Family to stay this way. Peaceful, happy. I'm really happy with how my family is now. Especially when they accepted BF as one of our family, I was really touched and all insecurity about this issue evaporated.
My dad even said: "Next year new year we shall go have a feast as usual, just that there will be one more person." =D
I want my friends to know how important they are in my heart, in their friends' heart as well. There's always a way out, so be strong and walk on okay!
I can't think of anything else.
I miss my Baby!!!
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