Now, I was informed I have to clean my books (MANGAS YO!) Bags and Shoes & Soft toys outta my shelves!
I was like, fml, fml fml fml fml!
Its gonna be more tedious than just the clothes!
But I have to do it anyway, the new stuffs are coming tomorrow!
So I started, and ended up with:

All my softies on my bed.
I should pack some to bring to bf's place.
He'll love them like his own, I know.
I sound like I'm remarrying or something hahahahaha!

And piles and piles of manga.
They are small frys can.
Have you seen my brother's room?

And after the last cleaning, I've got dust rashes & dust pimples.
Ah well.
Spring cleaning lo.
Right nao, I've got to go wash up and head out by 430pm!
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