"Friends are people you might not get to meet up much, but are kept in your mind all the time."

Its just like how I see some korean guy and he reminds me of dear Alda.
Or when I see Shao Wei lol.
I knew her for what, 6 years?
We finally met when she came to Singapore.
& I still miss her loads!
& Xuan, who I seriously hardly meet.
But everytime I think my face is fat, I'll be like "sheesh can I have a small face like Xuan?"

& my Bestie,
I think I've only met up with her less than 15 times this year.
Cause she's in Aussie now.
But whenever I meet Leaking up, we'll be talking behind her back LOL.
Like how super her head rotating skills are.
Nothing bad lah hahaha!
sometimes little things make me think of the friends around me.
Even though life is hectic,
I don't get to see anyone of them,
or make any efforts to meet up,
but when we do meet up one day,
we'll still chat like we've never parted.
SuKit and I were on msn just a moment ago,
he told me Fanny asked if I wanna go karaoke.
I haven't seen Fanny since like 2 or 3 years ago?
But I love that girl.
I hardly get to see Carissa or Sukit or Gab.
But well, for some reason we're always comfortable with not meeting, but being concerned about each other.
I'm not exactly sociable.
I'm only totally a silly goon when it comes to people close to my heart.
I ain't really friends with the 300plus people on my facebook account.
But I'm contented.
For now I'm glad with have people who know how I operate lol.
And of course, a doting BF (Who i just fought with yesterday lol)
What is yours, will always be yours.
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