Just cause my blog is probably gonna rot or something,
and this is a major event to me that I wanna note down.
Xue wei's had her wedding ceremony on the 27th of June!
She was one of my keyboardist/vocalist in my super old old old band a few years ago,
along with Tat Sin & Alan.
And we called ourselves Yi Ren Yi Ban lol.
I don't remember how this name came about but after a few performances we had some problems with the management and left.
I miss those days man.
But anyway,
I met up with Carissa,
and us being the gluttons lol, fell for the Takoyakis at Vivo.

So we sat and had a chat =D
Then took our own sweet time.

Camwhored in the toilet LOL.
And waited for Tat Sin to finish his work shift,
and finally headed towards Orchard Hotel.
I'm pretty lost in Orchard.
Ages since I've been there lalalala.
& I'm supposed to be Singaporean leh.

Met up with Alan,
and we realised there were 2 weddings going on at the same floor.
So being very confused, one of the service staff asked whose wedding we were attending.
And all of us cannot pronounce Xue Wei's other spelling LOL.
But luckily I happened to remember if not we might just end up in another ballroom with the wrong bride.

We were seated on table 13,
along with a few nice ladies, probably from Xuewei's Jap School?
I dunch know, but I know one of the ladies is the Jap teacher of hers and she was really sweet <3
& so we started camwhoring.
But we disliked the flash,
it blacked out every background details behind.

And so my phone cam came to use.

But its photo fail lah.
I need a good low light exposure cam.
Like TX5.

I told my peeps I wanted to bring this home,
and Carissa jitao gave me a =.= look.
"Its gonna take up the whole of your living room."
Wedding pictures <3
And a video before the wedding started =D
As the couple march in (wedding marches what, but I guess they didn't march lol they walked in)
I suddenly got the goosebumps.
Then I looked at Carissa,
she got the same expression as I did.
I'm envioooooooooous!
Got feel to get married lol.
& the prince leading his princess down the steps.
& then the food came LOL.
Which was pretty alright, though we killed another shark for the sharkfin =(
I got goosebumps again when Misia's Everything was played, and there the couple entranced again, with the second outfit & for the champagne ceremony:

BF would be proud of me if I'm in that dress.
Cause its BLUE.
He loves blue.
I love pink.
So can he wear a pink tux?

Last fail camwhore before we head back for the last few dishes.
And yes I love my long long long long maxi dress.
Congrats wei!
I miss our Wu Yue Tian lol.
And the YRYB reunited.
We talked about wanting to jam, but lets all wait till XueWei's honeymoon is over lol.
& I shall end this entry with Alan playing the Grand Piano.
It was really nice seeing all my singing buddies again,
I probably laughed my intestines out or something.
Now Carissa calls me Broccoli mei LOL.
And the poor rose Alan plucked from the reception table for me withered.
And my bf promised to marry me.
Life's good,
I made it sound like he's in jail or something LOL.
& no I haven't fix the tagboard.
Anything to say, facebook me loh LOL.
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