I admit.
Day 4+5 of TW Trip yet to update.
So I better finish up all the random stuff happening recently lol.
Blog, please stay alive haha.
Here goes the randoms!

My tiny weeny lobster grew this big.
It used to be like THISBIGONLY.
Now its THIS BIG.
Kids grow fast.

We celebrated belated birthday for my lover Kai Lin!
I think 4 months before I thought of going to this buffet place at Beach Road.
The last time we went was without Tong & Kai Lin.
And since my dearest Birthday Girl is a big eater, nothing's better than a buffet.
But I am so not creative.
Last year was Seoul Garden.
Love this picture!
It contains all the people I love!

YuanYang Double Soupbase!

2 hotplates to ourselves.
I kept whining for Chinese Cabbage.
Cause when you cook them in soup for some time, it gets all soggy and soft.
In the end Raymond asked for the staff to refill the cabbages.
And BF automatically went to fetch cabbages for me.
Om nom nom.

The buffet was spiced up with gifts from my Bestie Yan!
Fortune cookies!
My fortune went like: "You will not fulfill goals just by turning the fields in your mind."
Does that mean I should you know,
make TheJaspe a proper instock fashion thing?
BF got something that says that he didn't need to put in much efforts for social connections.
To spoil ur appetite next:

Freaking flying roach.
It was resting on the top of my fan.
My fan was rotating right.
The roach was hitching a ride.
Bro spammed insecticide and the crazy roach flew.
And fell into my pile of clothes.
We used sticky tapes to stick it up from the floor and threw it away.
Cheap shopping:

$15 acidwash maxi!
Ultra love it!
I think I'm crazy about Maxis.
I have got like 6 of them.

Bestie's very early birthday present to me from Aussie!
She got Joel to bring it back to SG.
No wonder she's my bestie.
She knew my style damn well.
Oh, and those booties I'm wearing?
Its velvety leather on the outside.
Damn comfy!
Leaking has got a pair too!
$25 <3

Another pair of heels I've got for work.
Stilettos with zipper which is like purely for deco lol.
But damn worth the $10.
Yes its only $10.
Not of bad quality.
Sales rock.
Mad love my romper too.
Taiwan haul <3
I'm a born cheapo.
Spree items are on the waaaaay.
More for me to busy about!
And to think I just bought makeup online.
It's really amazing when you realise you would never get enough of each other,
even though its been more than a year,
even though chat everyday without fail.
Jes loves you, BF!
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