Happy 18th Birthday Pei Yun!
Don't get too siao orh. =)
School today was pretty slow as usual.
Drew lots for the CA bzc presentation. I got mine on Thurs.
My girls subsequently got Tues, Wed and Friday.
So that means we're all spreaded out! Wheeeee~
Somehow I don't get as nervous as the first time when I have to present.
Does that means I only have temporary stage fright?
I got bored when I was at home, and decided to change the layout picture.
It looks...... dull.
Speaking of at home...
HUI! I drank OREO ICE BLEND today!
=P I phy-co my brother to buy for me on his way home.
I'm pretty... tired. Have no idea why.
My neck is so de aching.
By the way ladies, latest updates:
Loreal will be having a warehouse sale at singapore expo
from Friday to Sunday
11am to 9pm
Wenqi juz messaged me the details. She's the shopping queen!

And here is a picture which i think might be inaapropriate for children who stumbles upon my blog on random. But take a look my gurls, it's pretty interesting, How to have good figure!~
All rightos. This is all I have for today.
Take care ladies and lads =)
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