Warning: Super long photo entry!
School today was eragh. The accounting section is freaking lcb. Shall not elaborate. Grr.
Its our 'once-a-month-family-gathering' again today! It's purpose is to celebrate Chinyen's belated and Qunyu's early birthday. Lolz. Our mysterious guest Vincent wasn't as mysterious as we thought he could. sadly. Yen and Yu wasn't surprised.
We went to this Japanese restaurant at City Hall Link.

It's called Raku Ninja. The prices are competetive, meaning, rather affordable. *too much biz comm letters lol.* But the food is good, matching up it's great price. I like the atmosphere too. The place is dark and relaxing. As Vincent is working there, we decided to give the place a shot.
The food I ordered was Tempura Udon. It's filling and the prawns are nice!
Photos photos... Loads of them! Click to enlarge please!
Jeslene and Wanying =)
Don't vomit plz.... XD
The delicious looking menu of Raku Ninja. No don't worry am not going to swallow the menu.
I was thinking, Wa Wanying's nails can fight huihui's already!
My Tempura Udon's Udon lol.
And my Tempura Udon's Tempura! There's still tempura sweet potato and squd, along with the fish and prawn. Yummy!
Three of the dearies ordered unsweeten Ice Green Tea, which is $2 and on freeflow. Wanying cannot stand the ocha's bitter taste *it tastes like normal green tea to me, just iced.* and asked for sugar syrup. The result was rather tonuge burning, but since Wanying thought it was ok, fine.
I'm glad for my hot green tea.
Candid shot. Food and more food!
We ordered a prawn tempura side dish. It looks freaking indifferent from my tempura with the udon.
Erh. Well... There's no meaning for this picture, but I just like this photo. Oh, by the way, they have nice waiters and waitresses who are polite and ever-smiling.
Yen~ with the ice green tea without syrup. XD
Vincent, who refused taking photos with me. Sniff.
Qi and Wendy...
...And now with Yen!
i ADORE wanying's expression. Priceless.
Candid again. Hee, 'm a potential gou zai dui.
Cam whoring!
Yen and Yu's surprise bdae cake. Vincent brought it out in a so unsurprising way. =.= But the two bdae girls are like, huh? I thought its for yu/yen only? Why got my name also?
I guess we suceeded in a way la?
Yu: Yen, take a photo with me la, with the cake la.Yen: Don't want la, I shy!Yu: I don't care!
The bdae gurls =)
It's not I want to say la, vincent's photography skills are somehow equaling with Wanying's. The first photo, it sucked.
The second photo, slightly better, but stilll blurred! Argh!
Rang wo men make a whissssssss~ *imitates vic zhou* No I did not spell it word wrongly, he always sounds like sing make a whis instead of wish.
Cut the cake cake cake~ Elmo: Ouch! Ouchie ouchies! That tickles~ Ah hahahahaha~Jeslene: ...
My ladies.
...Plus a fat auntie - me.
Yu's expression -.-'
I like this photo!
No erh, I did not eat anything bitter.
I said: Ey more poses leh. So they ended up with this.After dinner, we went seperate ways. Vin and I went home together, and the rest went shopping. =)
I am done. I can't believe how tired I am, espcially when it's only 10.45pm now. Goodness. I guess I need my beauty sleep.
Will be accompanying Ah Tong to search for job tomorrow, in return she's going to the library with me.
Over and out! I heard from carrie that her hair is short now. Well well~
Im off for sleep. TIRED.
Night dears! =)
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