I hate to talk about this again but my flu, instead of recovering, had turn worse. I woke up this morning, feeling unfulfilled. Reason being, instead of sleeping like a pig (which was one of my main objectives in this holiday) I woke up downright early, 8am. It might sound normal, but to Jeslene, it's just wrong, wrong, wrong.
It didn't help that I couldn't sleep last night. A terrible noseblockage and watery tsunami happening in my nose. (Sorry to sound gross) And I think PMS finally got to me. I apologize for victims this early morning. I think I'm totally senseless. I didn't even think.
Sorry Hiyu jie.
Now, that I woke up 3 hours ago, I realised that my voice is almost over and out. Oh please do not be like Zidane and say I sound sexy with this voice. I want to sing!!! And currently, when I start coughing, I will cough for a few more miserable squeaks and end up in tears from the coughing.
I hope Kailin got my message and will be able to help me with the last min shopping today. I doubt I would as man as the manly cashew nut I usually am. Have Yan and Joel to thank for, the Log cake. =)
Let's just hope later = better. =)
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