Just home frmo shopping with tong! I spent like 40bucks, but well, all cheap cheap things. The most expensive I think is only 13bucks baa!
I'm glad internet is back on, although still slow. Sighs. At least blogger is working for me now!
I was in family chalet post-christmas, and well, it was kinda entertaining. Some drama here and there....
So here are pictures and captions. Lazy pig!
Day 1
My family arrived first, at downtown east. My Big Aunt and Small Aunt were late. We couldn't check in, just because the registered name was my big aunt's name.
When they finally arrived, the sky started to cry. Yes, RAIN!
We scurried quickly into the chalets after checking in. I got bored quickly, as there wasn't much entertainment. But well.... I guess I can look forward to the bbq at night!

At night, the rain wouldn't stop. So my dad, and my uncle decided to bbq the old fashion way:

Joel and Yan came after 9pm. My family were already done eating, so it's just them. Nice them bought pringles and marshmellows and drinks for us. Why spend so much money, aiyo!!

We went to the arcade for some basketball shooting. Hahaha... Ended up Yan and Joel lost to my cousin and I. But erh, for daytona I lost quite miserably by getting the last. And my cousin got first. We were shooed back by my brother and seng eng, cuz it's Clarissa's birthday and she's going to cut the cake!

Oh the cake is NICE! From four leaves. Choc and got crack crack thingies inside. Cheryl *my cousin who went arcade with us* said it was some almond thingie. Me have no idea.

We decided to head out to the arcade again, as we have 40bucks in the card itself. Don't b shocked la. Hahaha...

Don't have a cow at home? You can always count on Ben and Jerry's!
Be sure to try this after 11pm, we are not responsible for any weird actions tho!
(Yan climbs onto the moo moo)


Day 2
Boredom, hahahaha. It was a relatively sunny day. But I stayed in the chalet for the whole day cuz I was tired, plus my flu killed me. So the rest of my relatives went to wild wild wet, and my family, slack.

At night, Seng eng, ter and Yee nan came again. Haha... We had leftovers, so we bbq-ed again. And went basketball shooting again hahaha...

Day 3
Preparing to check out.....

We tried waiting for a taxi, but none came. We walk walk walked insearch for the darn taxi, but well.... In the end, a bus stopped in front of us and offered to give us a ride home. O_O
How nice!!!!

I reached home safely. Haha... Free too! That uncle is really nice laaaa!
There are a group of bengs and lians staying beside my aunt's unit and they're darn noisy. They scream all possible vulgarities at like 3am? And they spit and spit, until the whole floor is their saliva. But retribution hits them, when it rained on their bbq, and they only have time to clear their uncooked meat, leaving the plates and all outside in the rain. Muahahaha!
And oh, someone played explosive things, until the tiles just bam! broke. Burst. Whatever!
Okay, this is quite a long entry! So I guess I will end here! Pretty tired already. Hahaha! =) Take care ppl!
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