It feels so long since I've written up a proper entry. Not like my previous entries are appropriate to be called 'proper' lah.
Monday blues monday blues.
Ran 2 rounds for s&w, sweated like nobody's business. Muahaha.
We hid in the toilet tho, running away from captain's ball. =| Bad lah I know, but my ankle hurt like hell after running that 2 rounds. Sighs, ankle ankle, be good!
Lessons after that was a breeze. Mrs Lee didn't do anything at all.
But she gave Maryanne a NGEE ANN POLY notebook as a gift for getting the highest mark in the test. =.=
Like oie, is there a need to be so cheapskate? At least give something without the Ngee Ann Poly logo lah. Who knows if you've gotten this from the open house or what?
I was actually listening during Entre. Cuz that part of the project is mine to complete. But gah. looking at the things, I need more time already. It's that shitty feeling okay. I better do something good. *sighs*
Oh thanks to all who did the survey! Loves!
Dismissal... And Carrie, anne and Tong have to go for Public Speaking course. I wonder how it went! But since there's quite sometime before the course, we went to have lunch at J8. While we're outside Ice Lemon Tee, CCL walked pass.
*stares at tong*
Off I went for home, taking 53. And gah. I regret like hell.
Firstly, the bus is soooo stuffy. I felt microwaved.
Secondly, those two girls sitting behind me kept complaining about how hot it is. And they're so loud! I could hear them through the blasting of my earphones lo. It's like, hey, I know it's hot, and we're all trying to endure through. Not like complaining would help in lowering the temperature.
Despite being pek ceked, and hot, I half fell asleep.
I guess I'm really tired. But I was aware of my 'sleeping' position. Hahaha.
Vainpot jes!
Getting out of the bus was a relief, and Bus 15 didn't disappoint me as it came 5mins after I alighted from 53. The aircon on 15 was sheer bliss.
That's my day.
Yes, i know it's boring.
Brother was wondering why Rain gets so huge pages on the newpapers, he's getting irritated. Even a korean singer who commited sucide cannot fight with Rain.
Mom says if she's as crazy as the fans, we all shall have no rice to eat. =O
Dad says, if he's as crazy as the fans, he's gay.

Have you guys and gurls seen this before? Press the choc and a video will show. Cute music and all. And erh, the making of chocs.

It's just bubble tea lah. That's a yellow straw and I took the picture from topside down. Yes me know my desk is extremely messy. And yes that's my lao kok kok mp3.

While watching Hana Kimi epi 9, I did this Qing Tian Wawa. Sao Qing Niang. From my small mirror you can see there's 2 bells at the back. =D I know it looks very retarded, but it's too my perference! Whahas!
And some Ayumi vector cartoon pictures! Might have seen these before, but am just putting up cuz it still looks pretty no matter what.
You all know how xing ku I am? I go around online looking for nice pictures so that this blog lives up to it's small entertainment values.
*Jes takes a tissue and wipe her tears.*

Okay, that's all for today.
*looney toons music sounds*
That's all folks!
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