Been working on the questionnaire, should be done by tomorrow.
Went out with my mum.
I was actually lazy to go out.
Until my mum threatened me with MacDonald's.
"If you don't go I cannot buy student meal... and that normal meal is $1.50 more!"
Ah see?! She knew I will feel guilty!
So out we went, just at Tampines Mall and Century Square, as usual.
I said I wanted to buy makeup bag, but I still didn't buy it.
Instead I bought irrelevant things like:

Anyways, my mum was pretty entertaining lah. LOL.
She asked about the teabags
I told her I didn't see the big one. Only that follower of hers, barking like a dog who lost its owner.
Mum says don't care IT. IT is just a wimpy dog WHICH couldn't even manage a bark on ITS own.
Even Bingo's barks sounded more terrifying.

Mum is indeed entertaining.
If you don't understand Hokkien, you won't understand the joke.
She told me Long John Silver's should be pronouced as:
Long Zhong Xiu Liao (Hokkien: meaning every outlet close down)
I stared at her.
"So its the same as Bossini should be Bo Seng Li (Hokkien: No business) la?"
She say ya ya ya!
Another phrase to add to her Loti Gong Wei (Read, BreadTalk in hokkien)
I was praying for the skies not to rain on me as we decided to head home without finishing our shopping. And it didn't rain. La-la. But once I sat down on my chair, it started raining meows and woofs. Oh blessings.
Nothing else to update.
Here's some pretty pictures of Japan's Fireworks Festival!!~
P.S: No Bingo-s are hurt in the making of this entry.
P.S.S: I did not torture my dog by placing him in a pail.
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