Let me protest about something.
People who pollute the river!
Tong was sending me to the 15 bus stop when we stopped to enjoy the view of the mangrove swamps. Mud skippers, fishes and -deadfishes- lol.
Then these few secondary school boys just came and stood there, then they threw wrappers and papers into the river!
I was like: KNN!
Tong was as angry also.
I decided we should walk away, not before I comment "to hell with people who pollute the river."
I don't know if they heard it, but please, be more conscious of your environment!
I went to tong's house after school. Decided to not go Little India after all.
I spilled my Ice Lemon Tea in Mac's before I could even take a sip of it.
Resulted in Ah Tong screaming MALU LAH and the floor wet, too.
Am so guilty.
Tong didn't know what to do with the doughy frozen pizza in her freezer, so I went to help.
I took advantage of her Massage Chair, and oooo~ So comfy until I forgot about the piano.
I think I'm fated to act like an old woman or something.
I decided not to go out today. I sense I was too tired to go out.
I'm like, having a moodswing? Actually I think it's just cause I want sometime to myself, so that I need not show anyone a smiling face.
In simple words, attitude is not good today.

Would Hui and Tong get married? Stay tuned.........
*but jeslene doubts there will be a continuation, cuz this two girls were just fighting over tong's handphone. Lalala!*

Lalala, an avatar for fun!
I guess that's it.
I know my blog isn't exactly entertaining these days.
But well...
Take care people =)
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