Happy Valentine's, all dearies. =)
And thank goodness for Adelene's 3megapix phone cam.
Thosse pictures above are my unwanted flowers. Haha.
One from Adrian, and the bouquet from ah ze.
Can see the difference between the two pictures lah.
One is BLUR camera of mine, the other is wonderful camera of Ade.
RICH THEN LI HAI HUH. *slaps adelene*
No nid count le lah.
it's 99roses lah. But i think the sides of the bouquet looks like cabbage. =\
The whole thing looks like sea urchin.
He didn't call lah.
My valentine of the day is Tong.
I spent 17bucks of her money.
I hope my present to everyone didn't turn to lao sai tonight.
If it turned to laosai...... erh.
Complain tomorrow lah, okay?
EVM presentation tomorrow. So sucky.
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