Am so tired.
Monday blues.
Actually I was fine in the morning, then when I reached school, I turned all _______.
So let's not talk about today.
Cuz nothing much happened and I see no point talking about every detail.
So, Saturday Leaking and I went Kbox to sing out hearts out.
We were like mad people dancing to slow songs.
Hello, normal humans can hardly dance to My Heart Will Go On.
I think the way we danced was the true reason why Jack chose to die in the movie.
Rose didn't die but she shivered like timber.
Tong came to meet us after the singing session.
I dragged her down to Cine Basement to see this guy who got me coughredfacedcough.
He's the designer of the vintage dresses there.
Tong was excited at first, but she got sick of him.
But... ot me.
Sorry ah, vixen mode.
The dresses are really very pretty though.
We walked around after meeting Yan and headed to Daiso.
Then home it was.
Sunday, we headed to IKEA for Tong and Leaking's interview, as well as Yan's revamp room operation.
Ate like a pig.
Then leaking and tong went to find the interview office...
And I went with Yan, Yan's parents and Leaking's BF to search for the wardrobe she wants.
Found it, but alot of things out of stock and will only be available during Aug.
Leaking's BF and I went to play with the Kids' tower thingie...
And we enjoyed it.
Deprived childhood.
Yan's dad was missing when he's supposed to be waiting in the car.
So Yan's mum guessed that he must be sitting somewhere, nodding off to sleep.
So they went to search and INDEED.
He was nodding off upstairs, sitting on the benches.
Darn funny.
Headed to Giant with Leaking & BF, and tong.
Tong accidentally kicked off a part of a small pink child bike when she sat on it.
The salesman was GLARING at her when she panicked and couldn't fix it back.
We RAN to Long Fa (Leaking's BF) for help and he quickly went to fix it.
But something is wrong and they couldn't fix it.
The salesman continue to GLARE.
Turn out the part doesn't belongs to the bike at all. =.=
We went all siao at the toys section.
Long fa kept squeezing all the toys to me.
Then take photos.
Home after that!
Realised Long Fa and Ze is 70percent alike.
Same birthday. Lol.

Conversations, stupid:
Ze: All the guys you like are of the same type.
Me: Pretty boys loh. So you're saying you are a pretty boy since I quite like you?
Ze: O? I didn't know I'm your type.
Me: *10mins later* but some guys like sa jiao girls.
Ze: I don't really like sa jiao girls much. And you don't sa jiao much.
Me: O? I didn't know I'm your type! (Jes sniggers)
Ze: wth.
Me: Yan your arm hair very long lo. All standing up.
Yan: Yours is all sleeping.
Yan: Mine got life one. See they all standing up. *strokes her arm hair* Guai... Have you all eaten?
Me and tong: O.o
Yan: I think I need to perm my arm hair. Then dye them purple.
Ms Lee: Rui Wen, check your address, IC and the modules and make sure they are correct. Then Sign. If its wrong not my problem hor.
Me: *points to Thinking and Problem solving Skills* THIS IS WRONG WHAT!
Ms Lee: Where?!
Me: NEH! It should be called Finding Trouble!
Ms Lee: AIYO! You finding trouble for me ah!
*I went to sit down.*
Ms Lee: Rui Wen, its finding faults, not finding trouble lah.
Me: Its finding faults meh?! Not lah, its finding trouble for myself.
Along entry liaos.
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