I am sad to tell you...
I'm only half done editing. LOL.
Poor Jeslene has a headache now, and me know you are sick too.
Let us ku ming jie mei die together.

I headed to Downtown East for Cosfest 2007 on July 15 2007!
The event was quite successful to begin with.
I was there to be Hiyu jie's Makeup artist/assistant/photographer. Muahaha.
Leaking and her bf came and joined us!
When I was in the chalet, I was enjoying some eye candies.
Not men lah.
But Skye and Jie they all. SUPER CHIO! SUPER KAKOI!
I think i will grab some photos of Skye and others when they post it up in forums and so.
Super hot weather yesterday, I almost died can.
But for some reasons I was super hyper.
Dug up some dirt bout my bro to someone =x
I saw chicken little. =X
I saw Chibi Gundam. =X
I saw a group of kids cos-ing Rosen Maiden! T^T
I saw a .... well, interesting Athrun.
I dunnoe what to update already.
I think I will upload more photos when I'm ready.
Maa ne!
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