After having a talk with Tat Sin tonight,
I'm pretty sure I'm not going for the Luna PK competition.
Btw, I realised Luna is under MOS.
And that by joining the competition, you serve as a PK mo wang for the competitors in Luna.
Which means, Hark VS Luna.
And meanwhile you cannot perform anywhere else.
Esp when I have backstage to maintain.
What he said was right.
I wasn't looking for a competition to show who and what I am.
I guess we share the same sentiments, competitions are just... well, not us.
Talking to him also made me think.
Its not that I don't want attention, to my voice that is.
I don't know how to explain, but I want to sing.
I want to.
But no, I don't have the heart for competitions.
Ah well.
Meeting today confirmed quite a few events.
29th Feb 2008, Friday, is the confirmed date for our next performance.
And practice for us will resume this sunday onwards.
Prinsep Street was overly crowded today.
The indians were rehearsing for... well to be honest I don't know what, but yeah, we could hardly move.
I think my legs are broken.
I told Tat sin and Xue Wei my joints are broken.
Tat Sin just said, but your legs are still here leh.
Stupid NAFA.
I haven't rested since I got back home.
I rushed out of the house within the hour I got home this evening for the meeting.
And stood almost all the way till now.
I'm extremely tired.
And I don't think I can stay awake any longer.
Test tomorrow, and I have not touched the book.
But you know what, I don't give a damn.
Not now.
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