Mocca - I Think I'm In Love With You
If you got an eerie feeling
after hanging up the phone
Sort of happy feeling
but you're not sure what it's called
If you're haunted by his face
whenever you're asleep at night
And think you hear his silly voice
just calling out your name
Oh, no! I think I'm in love with you..
Oh, no! I'm hoping you'll want me too
So, please.. don't let me down!
Just can't help but talk about him in every conversation
Till your friends are sick and tired of that same old crap
If you start wearing make up even when you go to bed
Crying like a baby when you hear a mellow song
Oh, no! I think I'm in love with you..
Oh, no! I'm hoping you'll want me too
So, please.. don't let me down!
NO NO, I'm not in love with anyone! (unless you count, you know, Chris~lol)
I just like this song!
This is my current blogsong by the way =)
Isn't it just super true?
I feel exactly the same way when I fall for someone.
So cute!
If I'm currently in love, I say I'm in love with my Performing Team 2 aka the Ji Lang Ji Pua.
Just don't wanna regroup.
I mean, so attached to them already, and so usedto everything.
But sometimes changes make better performances.
I shall see.
But I know all 4 of us wanna stick together.
Alan even went to tell Yvonne we are sticking together.
I told them I won't let them go without raping all of them.
*jes grins*
Give it a listen, it was rather challenging. =D
BWAH. I watched the whole performance video from my mum's cam yesterday.
And I realised, what tong said was true.
But i think its like what I explained lah, height issues.
Oh I went to see the doc today.
He said my face is cause of RASHES.
So I'm RIGHT! Its rashes.
Allegy to Alkali and Acid.
I'm not allegic lah, but he said it might be an overdose.
Doc said will heal within 2months, depending. Must be patient. =(((
I saw on an online newsite.
They did a test on fruit flies.
Steam them (not that hot steam lah) with alcohol.
They got drunk and they went to mate with other flies.
They did some gay actions.
And the other party seemed to enjoy also. =X
Ya anyway, the test was trying to prove the fact that alcohol does lead to "any o how" sex.
Don't get drunk,
what if you woke up and you realised the person next to you, sleeping naked is...
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