Sometimes I wonder how much I can tolerate his nonsensical behavior.
I know no matter how much tears I shed, they are not worthed.
Hopefully one day, someone of my own will be worthed my tears.
Cause being a crybaby, its impossible for me not to cry lahs.
So, that person better worth it.
I shall be heading down to clark quay once again this Sunday.
Let's see what will happen.
As for better quality pictures of last week, here goes.
All hail professional cameras.
Heng I rejected the offer to join this competition, my pimples will be enlarged by 100times.
That will kill, ya know.
Think my face will fill up the whole screen cuz I'm too fat.

Ah Sin and the smoke that choked him.
He is getting really sadistic these days.
And, the picture of aaron that made Xue Wei (And her boyfriend) swoon, superstar looking can!
And sheesh, even her boyfriend thought Aaron was darn stylish in this picture.
Have to agree.
Sorry ladies, he's taken, not by me lah.
But I've done things to him before HAHAHAHA.
That is so suggestive.
Kidding, okay!
(you can steal me the owner too =P he's my type XD)
Oh wait, if he's from hark, I can steal it myself.
*Jes rolls sleeves up*
And nah, Xinyun, my spree-ded guitar pick. =D
Any good place for me to buy guitar strings and all?
I miss my violin. Its gathering dust at Adelene's.
I miss playing the piano. =(
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