Well well well.
I went to the Cleo Bachelors Carnival @ Zouk!
Zouk in the afternoon sounded pretty weird.
I can only say Zouk @ night and in the afternoon looked like two different places.
Before Zouk, Kai and I met up with Cally and Serena for lunch at Kobayashi, Cine.
Those two are crazy char bos.
Shakes head.
After which, we walked around Cine and found this shop which sells tops for 10bucks.
I went crazy.
I cannot resist shopping. =(
Got myself a grey halter with bubble bottom. =X
And we headed to youth park~
Cause there's FLEAAAAA MARKET~
All the blogshops brought out their stuff and its like online shopping, but you can touch and see the items.
Got myself a pair of gem earrings and a gem bracelet.
But the ladies sold it cheap you know.
Its like, $5 for each.
Walkabouts in Wisma and Tong joined us.
Off we went to take a bus to Zouk!
But ah, we got slightly lost, got off a stop earlier than we should.
So we walked....
And walked...

I tell you, the afternoon was blazing hot.

I could hardly see myself from my phone cam.
The interiors of Zouk is BLISS.

Uh, yeah, there's freaking ALOT of people in Zouk today!
Have to squeeze pass people to get to destinations.
Halfway through tong and I got separated from the rest.
Separated, IN ZOUK?
That's pretty funny. lol.
Loads of blogshops had their flea market there as well.
Didn't buy anything, but their items are pretty. =)
The girls and I didn't stay for long, we figured we couldn't see anything much, cuz its rather crowded.
So off we went, searching for a cab, gave up and took the shuttle bus from Great world city to City Hall.
Very hungry Kai and Tong brought us to Asian Kitchen @ City Link.
City Link is FLOODEEEED!
Must be that IT Show.
2 longs of Xiao Long Baos were insatiable.
I need more. =\
Headed home after some jalan jalan in citylink.
And I bought another gem bracelet. XD
Pictures, pictures!

I think I have shaky hands syndromes you know.
No matter how steady I want my arms to be, their just kept shaking and shaking, and outcomes of the photos were ...
Well, you get the gist.
But ya, anyway, that's the crowd in the Cleo Bachelor Carnival, by yours shaky truly.

My phone cam sucked when it comes to taking photos in the dark. =(
But this is the only group photo.
Have to post this up. =)

The very pretty ladies of mine =D

Camwhoring, with a willing kailin.
She's willing, erh, i guess?

On the shuttle bus to City Hall =)
I have giant teeth. =\


I did not adjust the lighting...
This is the lights from the train station.

And gems, gems gems gems gemmmmmms!
Not go the extra mile service hor.
Yeah, finally a 'highness' entry from depression state Jeslene.
Pubbing tomorrow!
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