CHALET @ Aranda Country Club
We met up in the afternoon for lunch at 2pm. But since Ahtong was late, Hui, Leaking and I started on our lunch first, at Cavana. I didn't much much appetite though, si I just kept talking and talking and talking.
Soon after tong arrived, we headed down to NTUC Fairprice to buy some 'shiok drinks', aiya, alcohol lah. LOL.
Off to check in after that!
The lady told us our room is at level 2. We headed up and found nothing. LOL. Sick lah. Kept search for it, but we couldn't find the room. So i suggested that maybe it's in another block, so let's head down first.
And the moment we stepped out from the lift.... we found our unit.
And it's on the first level.
But on the keys, the tag wrote 2nd level.
The chalet was great.
Big and spacious, like what I remembered about Aranda.
Bedroom on the right... Where carrie and Liting, tong's sis, slept in.
And bedroom on the left, which we all, except carrie, settled in.
We soon headed out to explore the country club, only to realise there's nowhere we can go because of our too casual attire. So we went to the arcade in downtown east, and play various games, which includes that basketball thing.
Man. My arms ached cuz of that.
I'm getting old.
Headed over to the bubble tea shop and enjoyed my milkshake there.
Oh bliss~
When we passed by Sakae, we couldn't resist buying some cha soba.
Kai Lin came to join us a while later in the evening and that meant our craziness was in full blast. We decided to start the fire, and Kailin and I were sent off to buy grill and some other stuff. And when we were back~ my girls said we have no lighter~ how to start fire~
So I said, ask those guys at the pits beside us LA!
Hui say, ya hor.
But we still went to buy that damned lighter.
Lol, caught up with Kai lin along the way, and we were mostly discussing about how ze was.
I wonder why our topics never left him.
My fault, my fault.
Tong's family soon arrived after we came back, and we started bbq-ing. But the moment i stepped near the bbq pit, I would start coughing. Lol... Hui was communicating with the cat all along and she finally gave up after like 10mins.
Someone borrowed our microwave and didn't return us until the next morning when she said she would only borrow it for 30mins. Sick. In the end it's hui and tong who went up and got it from her. SICK.
Carrie joined up around midnight and we started on 'shiok' drinks, which didn't live up to their names.
The only better one was this.
Oh i wish there's s0me Jin and Tonic around.
Headed to the bedroom to talk...
Carrie went to sleep first.
Then tong drifted off to sleep around 4am.
Leaking, Hui and I chatted until 5.30am, and I told them to get some sleep, esp leaking since she has an interview in the afternoon.
I stayed awake and sent Liting off to school...
I went to lift the curtains in the living room to see if daybreak was here....
When Tong's Dad's face POPPED OUT from nowhere and gave me a HUGE scare.
(to think we were talking about ghosts a few hours ago)
I quickly told him Liting went off just a while ago.
He quickly ran to find her.
I started clearing up the chalet as I saw ants in an unwanted cup.
Watched the tv, for some added entertainment.
All the way until 7.40am, I woke them up as we have to check out from 9-10am.
Off to buy breakfast in mac's, and when we were back, carrie was still sleeping despite waking her up at 8am.
Chatted and ate... and we were all drained out.
Checked out, and actually I wanted to take a cab home as my bag was really heavy... but geh, I don't even see any taxis along the way, so I ended up taking the train home.
I think my bag was so big and heavy, that's why that security guy in the train station kept staring at me. If not for my shorts, which i think were real short. LOL.
I dragged myself home in the hot hot weather, and after I changed, my father asked what time I slept last night.
"I never sleep at all lah."
Then I went to sleep.
Will be meeting the girls tomorrow, as I'm dragging all of them to outram park with me.
I couldn't eat much of my dinner today.
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