My Uncle's wife is pregnant~
The little life in her tummy is already 2 months.

Which means, in near November, I would have a new baby cousin!
But what will also mean, when I'm 36years old, the little one would only be 18years old.
I wonder where will I be 18years later.
Might be married.
Might still be single and singing.
Might be in Heaven already.
Ah well, just a thought.
It'll be a long day tomorrow!
I'll be having that don't-know-what course at that leadership centre.
Will be taking approved leave from 1.15pm onwards.
Which means I would be missing Marketing.
Marketing is too important to miss. =\
On a lighter note (not like this entry isn't light enough)
Will be meeting Hui again for Ikea trip.
Food, food, food!
OLE to gluttons!
Fishy fishy fishhhhhh!
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