I had great fun with my girls today!
I cannot live without them. =)
I bought the sweater! Tong was the first to wear it hahaha!
She said it was very comfy!
Me think so too!
The three of us went to eat fried fish noodles!
Like those days.
Tong and Hui ran off after cute guys, leaving me far behind, wondering what happened.
Then Tong shouted and exclaimed so loudly, the Zinc guy looked at them even as he was on the phone.
The three of us headed to Sakana at Tampines.
Uncle said: "Remember sakana."
I was sorta upset.
I mean, I was there in Sakana as a loyal customer ever since the starting of their business.
But I've got Uncle's number.
They are moving to somewhere else. And I hope I'll know soon.
Off to my house to slack again~
Tong fell asleep on my magical bed.
everyone who sleeps on my bed can just go lala land in 30mins.
Hui and I were discussing about Paul's nipple ring.
Cuz i asked, Hui ah, pierce nipple, the hole will close not?
Will it be like the ear holes?
She say don't know leh, it's like cut the nipples it won't grow back also!
I laughed.
So just now I asked him:
Jeslene: baby! I wanna ask you something, but make sure you don't slaughter me!
Paul: What? Better be not something cheesy this time.
Jeslene: You know you got your nipple pierced right?
Jeslene: You know the hole... will it close? like ear holes? Im sure you know what I meant, you have ear holes too.
Paul says: Do I _have_ to answer that?
Paul says: Actually, I don't think so.
Jeslene: huihui scolded me just now, she say, you think nipple chop off, will grow back?!
Paul says: You chop off your ear then, you think it will grow back?

Paul says: Baby, I'm not the know it all, perhaps you wanna ask my nipples? ;)
I scolded him sick.
We're going to this again soon, okay!
Love you all!
They cheered me up again. =)
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