Friday, November 14, 2008

Somehow I think there's no one in this world without motives.
Discussing with hui about men with motives and well, kinda true.
Of course I'm not saying ALL men have motives.
Women too have motives.
Just like what Xinyun jie said: Seems like its not 'innocent till proven guilty, but guilty till proven innocent."

Yesterday I went all the way to Douby Gouht, Regency Centre to collect Y2J (神木与瞳)'s Sat live band showcase tickets.
Yes, as you people know I did not appear for lessons.
I was really down due to my greatgrand ma's case.

I can just rot in Tampines, its enough for me to rot you know.
But I went all the way there cause its the deadline and SOMEONE wants the tickets as I couldn't make it on Sat.

I didn't go alone, I dragged bestie with me.
SHE can jolly well stay with me and rot in tamp also you know.

But this person,
he flew me twice a kite.
He promise to meet me yesterday for the tickets!
But apparently, someone dropped by his house and instead of telling the visitor I have an appointment at 5pm, he dragged MY appointment for a sudden visitor!

And I asked if he still wants the tickets,


I was being canceled without prior notice!

Miss me and whatever?
Bullshit lah.

I'm someone who is okay with canceling of dates/appointments.
But with prior notice lah!

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