I wonder how come humans, especially women are so easily provoked. Maybe I should change the term 'Women' to 'Girls'. Just a casual reply to an entry, to who started it first, and it got that girl replying back in rage.
*shrugs* What can I say? Human nature? Fighting Instincts? Or just for plain comfort?
Anyway, let's not talk about uninteresting topics that are even more uninteresting-er than my original entries. *winks at hui* And oh, don't be too quick in claiming this as your black mark. If you reply, you claim it. That's the case, isn't it?
Sorry for what I've blogged in LJ. I'm feeling really helpless after all that mush I saw yesterday. I seriously wonder when can I settle down, or ratehr, when can my insecurity settle down. But be it, be it. Am not going to be bothered by this.
Welloz, I ka-poked~ some pictures from Bala's gorgeous phone. So here are some crap photos =)
Get a feel of christmas: Lights shimmering in your heart!
When i asked Bala what the heck is this thing, she said "It's ice cream!" HUH? Ice cream that looks exactly like Ice Kachang. *slurp*
And I present, the legendary Geraldine aka Bala! She's so SHUAI in this picture! Ahh... I almost proposed to her okay lol!
Every entry, so as to balance your diet, I would normally post a picture of myself, so that you guys will puke all the impurities into the toilet bowl. How thoughtful eh?
I never thought I would take such a photo, but hey, Yan and I have the almost-same pair of wedges! Gorgeous wedges eh? Her pure white and my glamourous purple!
Brain washing people? Well, not much of a hobby but hey listen:
The definition of Verity is the Quality of Being True.
To who? You decide.
And my sweethearts, if you ladies and gents are confused about this entry. Leave it. Just take some time to scroll pass the photos, pick a glance, and just leave the words alone okay? =)
Love ya all!
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